Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Film Analysis of Dead Man Walking Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Film Analysis of Dead Man Walking - Term Paper Example In order to discuss these critically important principles and relate them to the film under analysis, first the particular scene to which each of them relates the most will be identified. Then, that principle will be scrutinized to appreciate what literature has to say about it and finally, the extent to which each principle relates to the scene described will be critically analyzed. A- Deindividuation Scene: After going through many sessions with Poncelet, Sister Helen develops a special relationship with him and also becomes his confidant. She strongly believes in the value of forgiveness and repeatedly attempts to inculcate the same belief in him in many earlier scenes. It is because of that emphasis that near the end of the film just sometime before Poncelet is about to be executed for his crime, he confides in Sister Helen that he did in fact kill the boy and rape the girl despite having denied these deeds before. In this scene, he takes full responsibility for the cruel demise of both teenagers. What is deindividuation? Deindividuation is popularly described as marked loss of self-awareness to the point that a person becomes uncaring about social code of conduct or norms of the society. The loss of self-awareness is so potent that a person refuses to take responsibility for any action taken by him/her. ... Such people have no regard for others’ lives and do not seem to mind the idea of them bringing suffering or acute distress in other people’s lives. Deindividuation also compels people to violate their personal norms because external norms become more powerful (Pastorino and Doyle-Portillo 473) and engage in activities they would not care about otherwise. It is associated with unbridled and offensive behavior because it lowers the sense of self-awareness leaving a person unable to conscientiously evaluate his/her actions. How the scene conforms to the principle of deindividuation? This scene illustrates how deindividuation played a destructive role in motivating Poncelet to murder two innocent people. Because of wrong influence in the form of Carl Vitello and his own weaknesses, he violated his person code of conduct and lived by the external norms which stimulated him to commit the crime. He had no self-awareness in that moment and even after that, he is not seen willin g to take responsibility for his heinous actions. Before this scene, he always admitted being high on drugs but blamed Vitello for killing the teenagers leaving himself out of the main action. His personal norm was to lie about the real situation and he tried to live by that norm. However, when the moment of execution finally dawns on him, he loses self-awareness and the will to protect himself. Here, the external norms of Sister Helen related to honesty and taking responsibility for one’s actions become more powerful. B- Schemas Scene: Near the end of the movie, Sister Helen tells Pocelet that he is a son of God and should expect forgiveness because while he is being executed, Christ would be here.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Security and discipline Essay Example for Free

Security and discipline Essay Discipline normalizes; it fixes the process of training and permanent control. An optimal model will be the one that gives a certain result. Disciplinary normalization consists in trying to get people and their actions to conform this model and norm. Example of smallpox: they developed a mechanism of security with a double integration: rationalization of chance and probabilities. On typical practices of security we see a number of elements emerging that are absolutely important for later extension of apparatuses of security: 1) practice of inoculation: supervision of those inoculated: observing the risks of dying from inoculation or from smallpox. Here appears in the text the term on â€Å"prevailing disease† which is a kind of disease that unites a country or climate. Integrating individual phenomena within a collective field 2) the disease is accessible to a group, it is then accessible to individuals 3) risk is not the same for all individuals, of all ages, or conditions CRISIS: phenomena of sudden worsening and increase of the disease. The phenomenom of sudden, circular bolting that can only be checked either by a higher natural mechanism or by and artificial mechanism. The apparatus that appears with variolisation vaccination consists not in the division of those who are sick and those who are not. It identifies the coefficient of probable morbidity, the normal expectation of population of being affected by the disease. Foucault thinks we have a system exatly the opposite to the one we have seen with the disciplines. In the disciplenes one started from a norm. Here we have a plotting of the normal and the abnormal, of different curves od normality, and the operation of normality consists in stablishing an interplay between different distributions of normality. Points out the problem of contagion. AS A CONCLUSION: Foucault thinks that the integration of the town within central mechanisms of power, or better, the inversion that made the town the primary problem, even before the problem of the territory, is a phenomenom, a reversal, typical of what took place between the seventeenth and the beginning of the eighteenth century. It was a problem to which it really was necessary to respond with new mechanisms of power whose form in no doubt found is what he calls mecanisms of security. Another problem for him is: circulation, exchange and contact. He links this to the idea of sovereignty. SOOO.. the mechanism of security does nt function on the axis of the sovereign subjects relationship, ensuring the total and as it were passive obedicence of individuals to their sovereign. In the following pages the author says that population can only be the basis of the state’s wealth and power if it its framed by a regulatory apparatus. Here appears the term of desire: every individual has one. The sovereign is the person who can say no ti an individuals desire, the problem is how to legitimize this â€Å"no† opposed to individuals desire and found it on the will of these same individuals.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Devastating Impact of Weapons of Mass Destruction :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

The Devastating Impact of Weapons of Mass Destruction A burning ball was so bright and vivid overhead. Confusion arose when they realized that it was 8:15 a.m., and that the sun had already risen that day. The people of Hiroshima remember that day as "the day the sun rose twice" (Motro). They ran in a state of panic as the images of people's shadows were burned into the cement. This mayhem happened all because of the use of a weapon of mass destruction. The definition of a weapon of mass destruction is "a device, object, or substance that a person intends to use to cause multiple human deaths (Vernon). According to this definition, things like nuclear, biological and chemical bombs fall into this category. Many people think that, "such acts deserve universal condemnation"(biological weapons). The use of weapons of mass destruction is wrong. They are illegal, morally wrong, mentally disturbing, and the effects of the impact last forever. As far back as documented history can tell humans were using weapons to kill each other (Ali). When humans first started to make arrows, they were dipping them into animal waste so that the waste would act like poison. Rebehn M.D. writes, "The weapon of choice against a civilian enemy became biological, then chemical and nuclear, as soon as scientific advancement and technological development made them available." After World War II, the Hague convention was signed. This made it illegal to use weapons of mass destruction. The Geneva Convention, another official document, was signed in London, Moscow, and Washington on April 10, 1972. This particular Convention prohibited the use and production of chemical and biological weapons. While this particular document makes it illegal, most countries are still accused of making such weapons. Everyone was fearful that the Japanese and Germans were developing such weapons (Ali). In the society that Americans live in, it is not acceptable to kill another human being. By using biological or chemical agents, people are doing just that. Innocent people found themselves caught up in a military struggle for power. The chemical or biological weapons used do not distinguish between soldiers and civilians. Think about little babies with open sores all over them or becoming so sick that they suffer and eventually die. The use of a regular bomb would eliminate the suffering that usually occurs after an attack. Furthermore, bombs would not be dropped on civilians anyway.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Olympic Sport Essay

Any athlete in training will always emphasize the importance of hard work during training and keeping a balanced nutritional diet in an effort to reach his maximum peak during competition. For an Olympic athlete in training, his diet will always spell the difference between winning or losing his sport. The reality of training for an Olympic sport such as swimming is that the speed of the swimmer does not depend on the food intake of the swimmer. What makes him skim through the water much faster is his physical training and physique. Proper diet and nutrition is what will give the body the energy to complete training sessions and become more efficient while performing the trained tasks. This is why a diet analysis is highly important when training a swimmer. The diet analysis is composed of two parts according to the usaswimming. org website: Diet analysis is comprised of two parts, needs and intake. Optimal nutrition is a matter of balance (nutrients-in versus nutrients-out). In other words, a swimmer’s intake of nutrients must match his/her output of nutrients during rest and exercise. In terms of energy (aka calories), if the needs are greater than the intake, the net result is weight loss. Conversely, if the needs are less than the intake, the net result is weight gain. Therefore, an athlete must always be focused on healthy eating and conscious of having to substitute lower fat foods for whole fat foods as well as reducing any snacks that will not contribute to keeping his energy level high. The athlete will best be served by loading up on whole grains, cereals, and legumes with at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables in a day. His protein intake should be limited to lean meats, fish, and poultry. A typical diet for swimmer would be composed of the basic food groups but on a varying scale. For instance, Carbohydrates are used as the fuel of the body and therefore a swimmer should consume about 55-60% of his daily calories from grain and cereal products. Protein in the meantime builds the swimmers muscle tissues and other chemicals needed for body function. So protein intake would be recommended at about 15-20 % calories. Fat in the meantime is the transporter of the body. Swimmers will consume only 30% of fat calories while limiting the intake will result in a desirable fat consumption range for the athlete.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Article review of Finance and Growth; King, R. and Levine, R. Essay

Introduction For a long time, there has been a wide ranging debate among economists on the relationship between financial development and economic growth. A large number of them are of the opinion that finance is not a major factor in bringing about economic development. According to the article, these arguments are misplaced because all financial indicators are related in one way or the other to economic development. This is because financial growth or allocation has a direct impact on the distribution of capital throughout the economy. Moreover, the predestined elements of financial growth indicators largely forecast consecutive value of economic growth indicators (Robert & Ross, 1993, p. 729). Throughout the article, the authors use data that is consistent with their main argument; that financial services inspires economic development by increasing the rate of capital accumulation as well as by advancing the effectiveness   with which the economies utilize that capital. However, the authors do not associate any particular policies of financial sectors with long run economic growth. Instead, the article mainly associates the measures of executable government strategies to ensuing economic growth to make policy suggestions. At the onset, the article begins by examining the current relationship between financial growth, developments and their sources. Additionally, the article also scrutinizes the potency of the empirical link between the main indicators of the level of financial growth in the financial sector and the long-run tangible per capita GDP gains. Keeping all economic and other indicators constant, the authors state that they found a strong and partial connection between the average yearly rate of tangible per capita GDP growth and the average level of growth in the financial sector (Robert & Ross, 1993, p. 721). The article terms this study as a contemporaneous relationship because it looks at average growth rates and levels of financial growth over the same period of time. In investigating the relationship between financial and economic growth, the authors of the article first look into some of the major financial indicators used today. The first and second financial indicators are mainly used to establish the relative significance of particular financial institutions. These indicators reveal that commercial banks are more likely to offer risk sharing information compared to central banks (Robert & Ross, 1993, p. 718). On the other hand, the third and the fourth financial indicators are mainly used to investigate the overall domestic distribution of assets.   Any financial system that channels majority of its credit to state enterprises may not be helping the economy at all compared to one that allocates much of its credit to private enterprises. To support their arguments, the authors also present the readers with statistical summaries that prove the existence of a relationship between the four financial indicators and the overall economic growth. The article also presents an analysis of some countries that registered faster economic growth and those that registered slow economic growth (Robert & Ross, 1993, p.719). This analysis reveals the existence of a relationship between increased financial depth and the role played by financial institutions including central banks. More importantly, the analysis proves that countries with quicker rates of tangible capital accumulation and allocation appeared to have more developed monetary systems. On the basis of the theoretical study of endogenous technological transformations, the authors emphasize the idea of creative destruction. Through the application of the above mentioned endogenous technological developments, the authors are able to come up with a more absolute Schumpeterian vision of economic development through integrating major roles for financial intermediaries. For example, the selection and financing of insubstantial and substantial investments that result in innovation. The authors also use widespread regressions to measure the strength of a partial connection between economic growth indicators and the overall financial development. There are a number of ways through which the relationship between financial development and economic growth can be interpreted. However, the most widely accepted interpretation is that a strong relationship between financial and economic growth is a reflection of a correlation resulting from contemporaneous impacts of several shocks on economic and financial development. Much of the investigation carried out by the authors is largely meant to establish whether the prearranged element of the financial sector is related to development and its sources. The results of the investigations prove that the predetermined element of financial growth is a good forecaster of economic growth (Robert & Ross, 1993, p. 743). Moreover, the findings of the investigation reveal that financial growth forecasts both the rate of progress and the effectiveness with which economies distribute physical capital and the rate of physical capital accumulation. This is an indication that the relationship between economic development and financial growth is not merely contemporaneous. Instead, it shows that finance plays a key role in bringing about economic growth.    References Robert G. K. & Ross L.,(1993). Finance and Growth: Schumpeter Might be Right .The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 108(3) (Aug., 1993), pp. 717-7

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Many Lives Many Masters essays

Many Lives Many Masters essays Many Lives, Many Masters is a book about a psychologist Brian L. Weiss, who by helping his patient he helps himself as well. Through Catherine he learned that his conventional approach through the scientific method and medication was not the proper way to heal his patients. Catherine comes in with anxiety, panic attacks and phobias and wants a way out of it all. Dr. Weiss approaches the situation in a scientific manner as he does with all of his patients, he doesnt get very far until he decided to use hypnosis. He would have liked to use medication but her fear of swallowing pills prevented that. During hypnosis she begins to remember her childhood but not this childhood her past life. At first Dr. Weiss is very skeptical I mean there is no scientific explanation for this but he decides to continue. In her past lives he begins to discover why she has so many of the fears and phobias that she has. As well, during hypnosis she begins to identify others in her life now as some f rom her past lives. During one of these hypnosis after her death a different voice begins to speak. This voice knows things about Dr. Weiss past that no one else would and could know because he never shared the details with Catherine about his personal life. This Masters begins to tell him about his meaning in life, a message. One that through his religious beliefs as well as through his scientific methods he could not understand. The Masters spoke of many plains that were reached throughout your past lives. You could only reach these plains if you solved the problem you had in your life. For example, if you leave a life and never learn to trust in your next life, you must learn to trust. If this is achieved you would be able to reach to the next plain and receive more knowledge. He began to believe and listen. Through this listening, he began to have new meaning in his life and learned how to help Catherine through hers. He th...

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Movie Review on “El Presidente” Essay Essay Example

A Movie Review on â€Å"El Presidente† Essay Essay Example A Movie Review on â€Å"El Presidente† Essay Paper A Movie Review on â€Å"El Presidente† Essay Paper E. Own Synopsis The narrative is told in flashbacks as Emilio Aguinaldo thanks the US authorities for giving him the chance to go to the full Restoration of Philippine independency on July 4. 1946. The movie begins with his gaining control by Philippine and US forces under Frederick Funston’s bid in 1901. so flashes back to 1886. when an old adult female gives Aguinaldo and childhood friend Candido Tirona deep prognostications. Ten old ages subsequently. Aguinaldo is inducted into the Katipunan and subsequently assumes leading of its Cavite chapter while going city manager of Cavite El Viejo. When problem interruptions out in Manila in late August 1896. Aguinaldo tries to guarantee the Spanish provincial authorities of non-interference and covertly United States Marshals Services his forces despite a deficiency of arms. Learning that the Spanish largely put their forces in Manila. Aguinaldo eventually mobilizes his military personnels and take the battle to Spanish military personnels in Cavi te. As the Rebels gain land in Cavite and several states. its Magdalo and Magdiwang cabals convene to elect a probationary authorities. Andres Bonifacio oversees the Tejeros Convention. which elects Aguinaldo as president. Mariano Trias as vice-president. and himself as interior curate. He storms out of the convention when Daniel Tirona objects to his election. Aguinaldo’s brother Crispulo informs him of his accession and convinces him to go forth his military personnel merely as he was seeking to support against the Spaniards at Pasong Santol. The Rebels are defeated and Crispulo is killed. Meanwhile. an embittered Bonifacio establishes his ain radical authorities and is subsequently arrested. Aguinaldo is concerned about Bonifacio’s actions and wanted him expatriate. but the War Council advises his executing. Several months subsequently. Aguinaldo leaves Cavite with most of his forces integral and makes it to Biak-na-Bato in Bulacan. where he marks the Pact of Biak-na-Bato and caputs for Hong Kong. There he meets with US functionaries who approach him with offers of support and acknowledgment of a new Philippine Republic amidst the Spanish-American War. Aguinaldo returns to the Philippines and officially declares independence from Spain. As the Malolos Congress convenes. Felipe Agoncillo tries to stand for the new state at the Treaty of Paris dialogues. but gets stonewalled at every bend even as US forces bit by bit arrive in the Philippines. The Philippine-American War breaks out in February 1899 and Antonio Luna is appointed commanding officer of all Filipino military personnels. He is assassinated three months subsequently and the Filipino military personnels are bit by bit routed by the Americans. As a consequence. Aguinaldo’s forces travel all over northern Luzon to get away the Americans. General Gregorio del Pilar voluntaries to take some military personnels in keeping them off at Tirad Pass and purchase Aguinaldo clip to acquire off. His loyal messenger is subsequently captured by the Americans while acquiring some medical specialty for his boy. Now cognizant of Aguinaldo’s hideaway. Funston plans his gaining control. Having been made to accept US regulation over the Philippines. Aguinaldo lives a quiet life. which is marred by Hilaria’s passing in 1921. He meets and marries Felipe Agoncillo’s niece Maria in 1930. Over the following few decennaries. the twosome witness Philippine history unfold one time more as he is defeated in the 1935 presidential elections. Nipponese business and the Restoration of full independency. In 1962. an aged Aguinaldo and his married woman comfort each other over President Diosdado Macapagal’s edict to reconstruct the existent day of the month of the Philippine declaration of independency. In his concluding hours. the same adult female who gave him his prognostication appears to him one more clip. F. Criticize on the followersI. Story and ThemeEl Presidente is a Historical Film wherein the life of Emilio Aguinaldo is portrayed from the Spanish Era. until the Filipino Independence.II. Screenplay The film writers inserted some Spanish Dialogues. English. and Filipino in the book. And I was discontented with the screenplay itself. I didn’t like the duologues particularly when Baron Geisler who portrayed as a Spanish functionary talked to Emilio Aguinaldo in Spanish stating that he doesn’t understand Filipino. but so all of a sudden he understood it. That is merely an illustration of the deficiency of continuity of the book. III. Direction The Director in this film did a nice occupation of portraying the life of Emilio Aguinaldo. I said decent because I was rather defeated with the manner the film played out. I expected so much from this film. but in every scene. I don’t cognize if the manager overlooked it. but I truly am discontented with every scenes. IV. Filming The Cinematography was good in footings of portraying the proper scenes though in the battle scenes. the filming was rather missing for the histrions weren’t shown in many different angles. V. Editing The redaction from the start is rather good but I didn’t like the redacting on the war scenes. I didn’t like the redaction because you can see that some of the fight scene was either fast-forward or in slow gesture. With that in head. the fight scene was discontented for me because the feeling of strength in a fight scene isn’t rather felt by me. VI. Acting From the casting. to the playing. to the costume. I didn’t like it. Bayani Agbayani and Bearwin Meily are good comics for me. But here in this film where it is kind of historical and more on play. they didn’t fit the functions and besides there are besides some dramatis personae in which I didn’t like. I besides didn’t like the costume of some creative person. particularly the bogus mustache of some of the histrions. I besides didn’t like the playing of Jorge Estregan as Emilio Aguinaldo because he seems to be missing in facial look and at some point excessively melodramatic. VII. Dialogues The duologues were good but they could still better. The consistence of the duologues form Spanish to Filipino were missing merely like my statement on the Screenplay. VIII. Soundtrack The soundtrack of El Presidente is no uncertainty entertaining and good that is why it won some of the awards in footings of subject vocal. IX. Ocular Effectss We liked the ocular effects of the film because it’s simple and realistic X. Costume and makeup The costume seems to be good for it portrays the historical background of our state. G. Additional notes to see I. Interesting Facts about the devising of the movie* Judy Ann Santos was ab initio offered to play Hilaria Del Rosario. She refused to accept the film stating she can’t relate to the character because she doesn’t know Hilaria personally. * Tikoy Aguiluz backed out of directing this movie after a misinterpretation with Jorge Estregan over Manila Kingpin: The Asiong Salonga Story. two. Budget and box-office public presentation Box office: P872. 972 ( partial Manila ) three. Awards and awards* Youth Choice Award: â€Å"El Presidente†* Best Sound: Michael Idioma. â€Å"El Presidente†* Best Musical Mark: Jessie Lazatin. â€Å"El Presidente† * Best Subject Song: apl. de. ap and Jamir Garcia. â€Å"El Presidente†* Best Makeup: Warren Munar. â€Å"El Presidente† by Warren Munar and company.* Best Supporting Actor: Cesar Montano. â€Å"El Presidente† * 2nd Best Picture: â€Å"El Presidente† four. Social. political. and/or historical context for the movie The film is partially based on Aguinaldo’s Memoirs of the Revolution. Writer-director Mark Meily states that the undertaking had its generation back in 1998. Over the intervening old ages. careful research was made in order to accurately portray Aguinaldo’s life. particularly facts that have been glossed over in history books. These include his behavior over the test of the Bonifacio brothers and his other actions during the Revolution. Meily himself was brought into the undertaking as manager after Ejercito pledged neer to work with original manager Tikoy Aguiluz because of their rift over redacting Manila Kingpin. Shooting took topographic point over 43 yearss at choice locations in Cavite. Laguna. and Bulacan. with the Las Casas Filipinas de Azucar in Bataan replacing for urban scenes v. What others have said about the movie * The Philippines’ Cinema Evaluation Board graded the movie at A. * Phillip Cu-Unjieng of the Philippine Star said it â€Å"vividly recaptures† one of the Philippines’ most disruptive periods in history by exposing the infighting among the Katipunan’s members and how Aguinaldo wanted to decide them. He noted that the film’s quality makes it about stand out every bit much as Richard Attenborough’s Gandhi. Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln. and Martin Scorsese’s The Aviator. * Philibert Ortiz-Dy said doing the movie was slippery. but dragged towards the terminal. * The film garnered most of the awards at the 2012 Metro Manila Film Festival. winning the plums for Second Best Picture. Best Supporting Actor ( Cesar Montano ) . Youth Choice Award. Best Float. Best Sound. Best Musical Score. and Best Make-up. * Columnist and wireless show host Jessica Zafra. nevertheless. was critical of the movie’s intervention. She said the word picture of Bonifacio’s decease raised inquiries about its genuineness. She added that the movie itself â€Å"does Emilio Aguinaldo a ill service by portraying him as a victim of circumstance† and even highlighted the â€Å"amnesia† prevalent among modern-day Filipinos. H. Values and Relevance The movie was more of a historical grasp of our old heroes. The movie taught us that our Filipino heroes fought for our freedom therefore we should care for it. I. Over-all analysis Over-all the movie is good for it depicts the life of our national heroes. Though the movie seems to be a prejudice on the portion of Emilio Aguinaldo because the decease of Andres Bonifacio and Antonio Luna were different on the history books. From the moving to everything. it is a good movie but it can still better by so much.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Japanese for Beginners - How to Start

Japanese for Beginners - How to Start Do you want to learn how to speak Japanese, but dont know where to start? Below you will find lessons for beginners, writing lessons, information on pronunciation and comprehension, where to find dictionaries and translation services, information for travelers to Japan, and  audio and video lessons. Try not to be overwhelmed. The Japanese language will seem very different at first from your native language, but it is not as hard to learn as many people think. It is quite a logically laid out language and once you learn basic reading skills it will be easy to pronounce any word you can read. Introduction to Japanese Are you new to Japanese? Familiarize yourself with Japanese and start learning basic vocabulary here. Japanese Vowels: Learn the pronunciation and how to write them in hiragana.Japanese Verb Conjugations: See the conjugations for the most common verbs.Japanese Grammar: Learn the characteristics of how sentences are constructed.Japanese Writing Systems: An overview of the three writing systems.Greetings and Everyday Expressions: Useful for tourists.First Meetings and Introductions: These tips will help in both business and social interactions.Simple Japanese Phrases: Learn a variety of simple phrases. Learning Japanese Writing There are three types of scripts in Japanese: kanji, hiragana and katakana. Japanese does not use an alphabet and all three systems are commonly used. Kanji has blocks of meaning and thousands of characters. Hiragana expresses the grammatical relationship between kanji symbols and katakana is used for foreign names. The good news is that hiragana and katakana have only 46 characters each and words are written as they are pronounced. Japanese Writing for Beginners - Introduction to Japanese writing and understanding how kanji, hiragana, and katakana are used.Kanji - 100 Most Frequent Characters: With thousands of different characters, these are the meanings of the top 100. Pronunciation and Comprehension Familiarizing yourself with the sounds and rhythms of the language is a good place to start. Audio and video lessons can help. Hearing someone speak in Japanese and being able to answer appropriately is very rewarding for the beginner. Audio PhrasebookJapanese Language Videos: Use these videos to see how to pronounce sounds from Hiragana and to use different expressions. You may learn better by seeing as well as hearing a person speak in Japanese. Japanese for Travelers If you need quick survival skills for your trip, try these. Japanese for Travelers: Learn phrases relating to getting around by train, taxi, bus, car, air, and walking.How to Order at a Restaurant: Youre going to need to eat, here are phrases that will come in handy. Dictionaries and Translations Choosing the right words for a translation can be difficult. There are many ways to look up Japanese words and to translate from English to Japanese and back again. Top 3 Japanese Dictionaries: If you want a book to have handy either on paper or electronically, these are the best.Top 10 Online Dictionaries: Access these from your mobile device or computer.Learning About Translating: Its not as simple of plopping words into an online form.Online Translations: The best of the bunch.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

As WWII unfolded, which enemy posed the greater threat to American Essay

As WWII unfolded, which enemy posed the greater threat to American interests, Germany or Japan - Essay Example continued for six long years and ended with the victory of the Allies (England, America and France) and the complete defeat of the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, Japan) leaving infamous blurs on the very face of humanity in general and the warring countries in particular. â€Å"World War II†, the writer submits, â€Å"fundamentally changed national institutions and behavior, immensely affecting most Americans; history’s greatest armed conflict proved as much a turning point in personal lives as in world affairs.† (782) As soon as the WWII came to an end, all the three countries belonging to the Axis Powers i.e. Germany, Italy and Japan were the losers among which Italy had already surrendered before the Allies and its dictator Bantu Mussolini had been executed. It is therefore both Germany and Japan were the only sufferers which had to undergo severe trials, strict banishments, indescribable humiliation and vast destruction. Heavy war indemnity and harsh terms and conditions had been inflicted and imposed upon the two losing countries pushing their masses in despair and losses in men and material. Germany was divided into two parts with the construction of the Berlin Wall; the western part was under the sway of the USA, the UK and France, while the eastern part of Germany was administered by Russia. Thus passion for revenge from Germany could be scared and expected by the Allies, especially the USA in future. Similarly, America has dropped atomic bombs on two of the Japanese cities Nagasaki and Hi roshima in August 1945 causing millions of lives into death and destruction. It is therefore revenge could also be expected from Japanese nation. Hence, the two losing countries were considered as the permanent threat for America in the future years to come. Before the beginning of the World War II, the notion of militarism had got its way all over the globe. Germany’s Nazi party under the dynamic leadership of Adolf Hitler was determined to dominate the world in order

Exploiting Competitive Advantages Using Business Strategy Essay

Exploiting Competitive Advantages Using Business Strategy - Essay Example â€Å"Companies with significant market share create a problem for competitors because these competitors will have to rely on "stealing" market share away from the competition; they can't just create a business out of thin air† (Teenanalyst, 2009). A strategy that the company uses to capitalize on its low-cost strategy is aggressively targeting customers through smart marketing campaigns. The use of marketing has helped the company get the word out about the good prices the company offers. On many occasions, the company offers outstanding value through special sales of products. The best evidence that the strategies used by the managerial staff of the organization are effective is the fact that Wal-Mart is the industry leader in the retail industry. The profitability of the company is further evidence of the dominance of the company. The net margin which is a financial metric that illustrates the absolute profitability of an organization is 4% (Walmartstores, 2012). A few year s ago I worked at a company that utilized the niche generic strategy to market its products. â€Å"A business that focuses on a niche market is addressing a need for a product or service that is not being addressed by mainstream providers† (Ward, 2012). ... Most people in this hobby lose several planes each year to crashes. The best proof that the niche strategy used by the company was effective was that during the beta test trials the product received outstanding reviews from the clients. Despite the fact that the company had a good niche strategy and an excellent product WRM failed as a business venture due to the fact that the ownership team did not have sufficient operating capital to move into the commercialization stage of the product. A company that is currently using the generic strategy of differentiation is the automobile maker BMW. BMW sells cars that are different than most cars in the marketplace due to the super quality, performance, suspension, design, and luxury. The differentiation strategy has helped this company build a great reputation and brand value Evidence that the strategy the company uses is effective is the fact that BMW charges a premium price for its products.  

Friday, October 18, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 20

Human Resource Management - Essay Example Learning and development strategies are developed to provide continuous improvements to the company and its people. The learning and development process of the company allows the company to build the core competencies and this in turn helps the company keep up the competitive advantage and the flexibility. Hence it is crucial to note that the learning and development strategies of companies are very important aspects and need to be well designed and executed (P.Dwarakanath & M.Mala, n.d). The main features of the effective learning and development strategies mainly include the following. Firstly, effective learning and development strategies are well planned and designed based on the strategic goals of the company. The main reason the employees are trained within an organization is mainly to meet the goals and objectives of the company and to contribute to the growth of the company. Hence the learning and development strategies of the company are also mainly focused on the strategies of the business and focuses on the ways that the business can yield results (Silverman & Casazza, 1999). Hence an effective and efficient training strategy is one which is all rounded and takes into account all the strategies of the company as well as the internal and external environment as well. The second main feature is the Return on investment (ROI). In the modern organizations, a very important element that is always focused on is the return on investment that the company gains from the investment. Hence here in this case, with the learning and development strategies, an effective strategy will be one whose impact can be measured based on the various elements like the productivity, reduction in the defect rates, and many other process related elements (Lawler & King, 2000). The next important element of a successful learning and development plan is the methodology adopted by the company for the training and development needs. This includes various different learning and

Educational Policies on Undocumented Immigrants Essay

Educational Policies on Undocumented Immigrants - Essay Example During the 107th Congress in 2001, DREAM Act as a bipartisan legislation, was primarily introduced. Each year, there is evidence of a growing support for the DREAM Act. In the past years, it has gained 48 Senate cosponsors and more than 152 Republic and Democratic House Cosponsors. It has been approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2003-2004 108th Congress, and again in 2006, the DREAM act passed the full Senate as part of a Comprehensive immigration Reform Act of 2006. Under this Act, undocumented students who finished high school will be provided of the opportunity to apply for a conditional status, which can be renewed to a non-conditional green card, granting that they attend college or serve the U.S military for at least 2 years. To be eligible for immigration relief under the DREAM Act, a student must have entered the U.S more than 5 years ago, before the age of 16 or younger and must be able to display good moral reputation. Each year, there are hundreds of thousands of undocumented high school graduates who qualify for the DREAM Act provisions. This population consists of students who were both born and raised in the United States, or students who at an early age were brought and raised by their parents to live in the country. Many of these students excel academically and have displayed unique talents in arts and sports. These are the students hoping to serve the future nation as bankers, educators and health providers. Despite having lived in the U.S for most of their lives, they are confronted with hindrances to obtaining college education, have difficulties finding legal and professional jobs in the U.S, and often have to endure continuous fear of being caught by immigration authorities. While there is currently an increasing support for the DREAM Act, still a number of opposing parties have vetoed. California Governor -Elect Schwarzenegger said he opposed the bill with an emphasis that providing educational benefits to illegal residents posts threats against the General Fund (Cassady).Given this Act, oppositions argue how it does not make logic to use taxpayers' money to educate a work force that is not legal to work in the United States. In contrast, out-of-state students of the country have to pay a full amount for education. This privilege to illegal residents at the expense of the taxpayers is not a good idea at a time when costs of tuition fee are increasing (Kobach). There are also allegations how the DREAM Act defies the federal immigration law. There is a constant concern that this policy might encourage more illegal immigrants to rush into the country and take away the privileges from U.S citizens. In addition, without legal residency, these undocumented im migrants, despite their college degree will find it difficult to obtain quality positions and will end up to lower-paying jobs that they could have acquired without a college degree. On the contrary, the light of the DREAM Act is viewed as an economic progress strategy to lower the increasing rate of undocumented student drop-out. Not helping students attend college will result to much greater costs in the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Reflection paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 20

Reflection paper - Essay Example The reason as to why I have gender stereotyping is because we are taught, and many of us have been grown up firmly knowing that men and women play different roles in the society. For example, I have always had this feeling that women would more inclined to jobs relating to household such as cooking, child rearing and washing the ditches and the man, on the other side involved in making money (Strawson, pp 4). Besides, there are certain jobs that have always looked suitable for women such as a job in the social care and nurses. Similarly, the male cohort would fit well in managerial roles. I realized the issue of having gender stereotyping from the ongoing campaign to empower women. They have for long been perceived unable to do successfully the ‘men jobs’, but they have proved many wrong with some even rising to the highest job in states such as President and Deputy President. From the time I started becoming conscious of gender stereotyping, I have made a practice of not judging a person based on the gender as they have potential beyond their gender orientation. Rabbitt, Patrick, and Subhash Vyas. "Processing a display even after you make a response to it. How perceptual errors can be corrected." The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 33.3 (2001):

Project #5 Human Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Project #5 Human Resources - Essay Example in the fire department indicates that the success of an incentive program enables fire officers to respond extremely quickly and in a direct approach to the scenes of incident. Similarly, there is a possibility of other benefits arising to employees of a fire department who possess the necessary qualification programs. This includes a pension program that is of hefty nature and coverage. A professionally qualified officer may be provided with an identification badge as a form of promotion. This becomes part of an accomplishment and thus, a form of motivation. Determination of filling positions in reference to a degree holder must take in to account various perspectives. This is what is used to value the needs for one to be promoted to the next position. It is essential to identify those members who develop an interest for interview to fill a position. Tasks vary depending with the number of departments at every organization. It is noteworthy that the organization identifies the need of any promotion in terms of performance improvement. The importance of this technique is necessary since a variety of performance appraisal measures exists for one reason than for the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Reflection paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 20

Reflection paper - Essay Example The reason as to why I have gender stereotyping is because we are taught, and many of us have been grown up firmly knowing that men and women play different roles in the society. For example, I have always had this feeling that women would more inclined to jobs relating to household such as cooking, child rearing and washing the ditches and the man, on the other side involved in making money (Strawson, pp 4). Besides, there are certain jobs that have always looked suitable for women such as a job in the social care and nurses. Similarly, the male cohort would fit well in managerial roles. I realized the issue of having gender stereotyping from the ongoing campaign to empower women. They have for long been perceived unable to do successfully the ‘men jobs’, but they have proved many wrong with some even rising to the highest job in states such as President and Deputy President. From the time I started becoming conscious of gender stereotyping, I have made a practice of not judging a person based on the gender as they have potential beyond their gender orientation. Rabbitt, Patrick, and Subhash Vyas. "Processing a display even after you make a response to it. How perceptual errors can be corrected." The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 33.3 (2001):

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Longitudinal method compared with 5 other methods in text book Research Paper - 1

Longitudinal method compared with 5 other methods in text book - Research Paper Example In essence, longitudinal studies usually allow tracking of people; therefore, different longitudinal surveys given people are less likely to be the true reflection of cultural or behavior different over a given period (Jin and Rounds, 2012). Longitudinal research methods allow observation of changes in a more accurate way; therefore, it can be applied in different fields particularly business field among other fields (Bryman, 2012). Notably, longitudinal studies often allow accurate observation of changes that occur during the study in numerous fields. In nursing and medicine fields, the study is often designed to reveal the predictors of certain diseases. In marketing, the same study is often applied to identify the needed changes to advertisements due to attitude and behavior changes within the targeted audience. Longitudinal studies are classified among the observational studies; thus, it its application cannot allow the manipulation of variables of the study (Lee and Xia, 2011). In some instances, it has been noted that the longitudinal studies are less powerful to detect any causal relationship between variables than other experimental research methods (Wagner, 2010). However, due to their repeated observations at individual levels, longitudinal studies are more powerful than other cross-sectional observational studies. Additionally, longitudinal studies are capable of excluding time invariants within the unobservable individual difference, and they allow temporal observation of order of events (Morrow, 2011). Nonetheless, the longitudinal studies are every expensive since they take a longer period to be accomplished; thus, making it less convenient research method. Additionally, longitudinal studies may lack accuracy since sometimes they experience changes in variables especially in case of death of a particular data set. These underlying differences and similarities between longitudinal research studies allows to compared with

Monday, October 14, 2019

Management Theories Essay Example for Free

Management Theories Essay There are many different management theories that have been developed throughout the years in order to aid individuals within management roles. Even though some of these theories were developed years ago they can still be relevant in today’s society. One of these theories is The Administrative Approach Theory. The purpose of this paper is to explore why this theory can be considered a universal historical theory, the positive and negative aspects of this theory and how one of the management theories can be applied to an organization. Universal Historical Theory After reading through the historical management theories the writer feels that the Administrative Approach, developed by Fayol, can be considered the most universal and can be applicable in today’s business market. This is because unlike some of the other theories this theory focuses on the entire organization (Daft, 2010). This theory is made up of fourteen principles: Division of work, delegation of authority, discipline, chain of commands, congenial workplace, interrelation between individual interests and common organizational goals, compensation package, centralization, scalar chains, order, equity, job guarantee, initiatives and team spirit (FAO, 2013). â€Å"Fayol stressed the importance and the practice of forecasting and planning in order to apply these ideas and techniques† (Boundless, 2013 , para. 10). Advantages and Disadvantages As with any theory there are always some positive as well as negative aspects to it. One positive aspect of this theory is that since there is a division of work this can increase productivity not only in managerial work but also technical work (FAO, 2013). Another advantage is that since this theory believes in unity of command employees only have to report to one superior. By doing this, employees only take orders from one individual and therefor this limits the amount of confusion that can come about when multiple people are giving orders. A disadvantage to this theory is that since it is management oriented â€Å"it does not give much attention to the problems of the workers† (Akrani, 2013, para. 8). This can lead to the employees feeling under privileged and may increase job dissatisfaction. This theory is also very mechanical. Meaning that it does not deal with important things such as motivation, communication and leading (Akrani, 2013). Communication is very important in every organization so the writer feels that this is considered a negative aspect of this theory. Systems Theory The writer feels that the Systems Theory can be applied to her current work setting. This theory focuses on open and closed systems that interact with each other in order to achieve a common goal (Daft, 2010). Working within a hospital environment the organization is working towards a common goal of eliminating cancer. Since there are so many different systems that can affect this goal such as number of patients, money, resources, time, staff etc. it is important that management have a more systemic way of thinking and running their departments. Within the writers department when patients are seen in the clinic they generate money, this money can then be used to support and improve cancer research which therefore gets the organization one step closer to eliminating cancer. Conclusion Even though there are many different management theories available to help aid managers there are some that are more relevant than others. This paper looked at the Administrative Theory and how it can be applied universally. It also discussed how the Systems Theory can be applied to the writer’s current organization. By applying the best matched management theory to one’s organization this can help build a successful and positive company.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

Kosovo: How the Kosovar territory can get developing economically and culturally through its identity balanced between the ethnic strife and conflicts of interest between the Serbs, Albanians and the international community? Richmond University - London Romuald Maronese Dissertation Literature review A such unexpected and international violent struggle burst out between Serbs and Albanians in the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia over the southern Serbian province of Kosovo1. This terrible issue led to a 1999 meeting between Serbian and Albanian officials in order to make a peace resolution and arrangements. This formal and official diplomatic meeting was organized by the international community under the control of the French and the Italians so as to discuss eventual peace. The Serbs were looking for protecting the cradle of their culture, the Serbian civilization and its identity against the Albanians’ battle for an independent territory of Kosovo. When the peace agreement could not be reached, the NATO2 countries, in order to protect Albanians from a massive  « ethnic cleansing,  » launched a missile bombing campaign over former Yugoslavia on the 24 March of 1999. The bombings lasted for 78 days. And NATO’s intervention in what came to be known as â€Å"the Kosovo conflict† injured and murdered thousands of civilians. It destroyed the local factories, workplaces, schools, and hospitals. Furthermore this tense conflict has damaged the country’s energy, transport, and communications systems. It also has triggered a economic, social, and ecological disaster; and made becoming thousands homeless. It traumatized numerous families on all sides of the war, including the people in the diaspora who had fled Yugoslavia’s civil war in the e... ...ermore, the conflict provoked a high risk of be prolonged psychologically in a serious brain disturbance. It has ruined their any chances of getting rid of this trauma by compromising any of them academic future. The many children facing this â€Å"massive war traumas show evidence of Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder† (PTSD). In this present massive study on the mental disorders of the children during the war, it would be relevant to wander how could we treat the youth’s distress and unstable mental health. Are the relatives, the local doctors and professionals able to educate theses children properly in order to make them recovering theses atrocities. Another study gathering what the new Kosovo State 6 Romuald Maronese Dissertation Literature review could learn from the aftermath of the war would be a better contributor to the potential development of the Kosovar society.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Othellos Fainting as a Point of No Return :: Free Essays Online

Othello's Fainting as a Point of No Return In Act IV, Scene 1 of Shakespeare’s Othello, Othello faints when confronted with the possibility that his wife has been unfaithful. Through the past few scenes, Iago, exploiting Othello’s concerns about his race, has performed a delicate act, slowly but surely leading him towards the inevitable conclusion that his wife and Cassio have ‘cuckolded’ him. When Iago finally refers explicitly to Desdemona’s sexual betrayal, Othello can bear it no longer and faints to escape the reality he cannot bear. From the outset, Othello has been uncomfortable in aristocratic Venetian society. He has deep insecurities about his ability to fulfill his role as Desdemona’s husband, both sexually and socially. Othello is elated when he realizes that beautiful young Desdemona is attracted to him since he perceives himself to be unworthy of her love, primarily due to his old age, physical unattractiveness, and most importantly because he is a black Moor. Thus, his realization of his racial identity figures prominently in his mindset. Sexually, he fears being unable to satisfy his wife’s desires; for it would be only natural for her to, having sealed the vows of marriage, seek a companion more like her. For he is â€Å"rude [†¦] in speech, / And little blessed with the soft phrase of peace† (1.3:81-2), most unfit to wed the daughter of the noble senator Brabanzio[1]. Thus, he makes it clear that he prefers the military atmosphere to the aristocratic civilian one. While Othello has thoroughly internalized his concerns regarding his marriage, shrewd Iago is able to perceive and exploit them. Iago’s villainous brilliance is manifest in his ability to take himself into Othello’s confidence. The relationship that develops between the two is of great significance. Iago is most careful to avoid explicitly accusing Desdemona of adultery until the time is right. Instead, he gradually weaves the thought into Othello’s mind so that Othello is able to independently arrive at the same conclusion. While initially Iago exhibits deference and fear of his king, the power dynamic progressively shifts so that the two become almost equal allies in an unholy conspiracy. Othello, at one point, is almost thankful to Iago for revealing to him the truth, declaring that â€Å"I am bound to thee for ever† (3.3:218). Iago reciprocates in the next scene upon being appointed lieutanant, vowing â€Å"I am your own for ever† (3.3:482). Esp ecially in this scene, Iago can be seen as representing Satan himself, inducing good Othello to err thereby securing a vow of loyalty from his servant.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Russian Literature

Russian literature: History Overview Russian literature has long been a cultural focus of the entire world. It's not surprising that the formation of Russia's first literary traditions goes back to the first century. The adoption of Christianity boosted the development of literacy, philosophy and theological literature. The earliest literary works were not written in the Russian language but in Old Church Slavonic which was developed in the 9th century by Greek missionaries Cyril and Methodius. Old Church Slavonic became the liturgical language of the Orthodox Church, prompting literary activity in Russia.In 988 Vladimir I, Grand Duke of Kyiv, converted to Christianity and made it Russia's official religion. Eventually, religious ties between Russia, the Byzantine Empire, Ancient Rome and Greece strengthened and began to share common traits. As literacy rapidly developed, so did Russian literature. Historical chronicles, sacred scriptures, biblical texts, sermons, biographies of sain ts and other religious writings and poems were translated from Greek into Old Church Slavonic which remained the literary language of Russia until the 17th century.At that time, books served mainly as a means to foster religious awareness. In the long run, Christianity marked the character of the Russian literature. Church literature laid the foundation for the ideas of Russian unity and Russian national identity. First works of Russian literature Byzantine Greek writings influenced the first texts created during the Kyiv period. The most significant sermon, â€Å"Slovo O Zakone I Blagodati† (1050; â€Å"Sermon on Law and Grace†), is a detailed oration written by the head of the Orthodox Church in Russia at that time, Metropolitan Illarion.It is believed to be the first original work of Russian literature. The chronicle â€Å"Povest' Vremennykh Let† (1113; â€Å"The Tale of Bygone Years,† also known as â€Å"The Russian Primary Chronicle†), attribu ted to the monk Nestor, explores the history of the East Slavic peoples, namely Russians, Belarussians, and Ukrainians up to the year 1110. However, the most prominent work of the period is probably â€Å"Slovo O Polku Igoreve† (1185; â€Å"The Tale of Igor's Campaign†). It focuses on a Prince Igor? s failed raid against an army of Asian nomads and is written in lyrical poetic language.The creation of religious scripts went hand in hand with the creation of folk poetry; songs, epics and fairy tales described authentic Russian life and culture. In the late 11th and early 12th century, â€Å"Teaching† by Prince Vladimir Monomakh and â€Å"Wanderings of Daniel† featured a fusion of religious scripts with folk literature. In 1240 the Tatars invaded Kyiv, bringing an early end to this period in culture. For the next 200 years the Tatars occupied most of Russia. While Europe was enjoying the Renaissance, Russian literature was at a standstill.A series of upheav als and riots throughout the 16th and 17th centuries brought political and secular influences to literature. â€Å"Messages of Ivan the Terrible† and the autobiography of Arch Priest Avvakum were the first literary works written in spoken Russian. These works mixed the church and bookish languages with folk speech. One of the most important and notable literary works of the 16th century was â€Å"Domostroi† (â€Å"House-Orderer†). It set the rules for moral behaviour and gave instructions for running a household. In the 16th century folkloric poetry was on the rise as was the popular genre of the secular story of manners.In the 17th century Russian culture was greatly influenced by Western European values. Tsar Peter the Great? s fascination with European culture was looming large and brought the first printed books to Russia, almost all of which were religious in content. A number of Russian poets started composing verses imitating Western authors. In fiction, the influence of Western adventure tales such as â€Å"Don Quixote† by Miguel de Cervantes, is obvious in â€Å"The Tale of Savva Grudtsyn† (â€Å"Povest' o Savve Grudtsyne†) and â€Å"The Tale of Frol Skobeev† (â€Å"Povest' o Frole Skobeeve†).In 1678, the first plays written by a Russian author, Symeon Polotsky, appeared. Step by step, modern Russian literature started to emerge as more and more writers began to develop their own unconventional styles. By the 18th century written Russian finally came into wide use, replacing Old Church Slavonic. Peter the Great and Catherine the Great were keen to promote literature in Russia. Perhaps the most important figure of Russian intellectual life in the 18th century was Mikhail Lomonosov who rose from peasant origins to become a prominent scientist and writer. One of the greatest poets of the time was Gavrila Derzhavin.Russian author Denis Fonvizin dominated the drama. His plays â€Å"Brigadir† (w ritten 1768-1769; published 1790; â€Å"The Brigadier†) and â€Å"Nedorosl? (1782; â€Å"The Minor†) mocked the manners and morals of the upper classes. One of the most interesting non-fiction works of the period was â€Å"Puteshestvie iz Peterburga v Moskvu† (1790; â€Å"Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow†) by Aleksandr Radishchev. It earned its author a ten-year exile to Siberia. Nikolay Karamzin established a Russian prose style in his travel writings with his famous â€Å"Istoriia gosudarstva rossiiskogo† (1818-1824; â€Å"History of the Russian State†).Golden Age of Poetry The 19th century was probably the most fruitful period in the history of Russian literature. Alexander Pushkin Alexander Pushkin 6 June 1799 – 10 February 1837 Mikhail Lermontov Mikhail Lermontov 15 October 1814 – 27 July 1841 Nikolai Gogol Nikolai Gogol 31 March 1809 – 4 March 1852 Ivan Turgenev Ivan Turgenev 9 November 1818 – 3 Septem ber 1883 Lyev Tolstoy Lyev Tolstoy 9 September 1828 – 20 November 1910 Anton Chekhov Anton Chekhov 29 January 1860 – 15 July 1904 The first few decades of the 19th century came to be known as the Golden Age of Poetry.Without a doubt, Aleksandr Pushkin's renowned novel in verse â€Å"Evgeny Onegin† (1823-1831) cemented his name in history. Before the 19th century, drama received very little attention from Russian writers. It continued until two pillars of Russian drama Aleksandr Griboedov (â€Å"Gore ot Uma† 1833; â€Å"The Woes of Wit†) and Aleksandr Ostrovsky (â€Å"Groza,† 1860; â€Å"The Thunderstorm†) stepped into the spotlight. But by the end of the century, several timeless plays were written by Anton Chekhov, for example â€Å"Chaika† (1896; The Seagull).The author of the most famous short story in Russian, â€Å"Shinel† (1842; â€Å"The Overcoat†), Nikolay Gogol, is considered to be the original master of Russian prose of the 19th century. His comic, grotesquely humorous collection of short stories â€Å"Vechera na khutore bliz Dikanki† (1831-1832; â€Å"Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka†) are peppered with the local colour and ambience of Ukraine. Fyodr Dostoyevsky's novels examined political and social issues as well as philosophical and moral problems of Russian society. His â€Å"Crime and Punishment† (1866) is considered to be one of the best novels of all time.Leo Tolstoy, like his contemporary Dostoyevsky, was not just a brilliant novelist but a political thinker and philosopher as well. His novel â€Å"Voina i Mir† (1865-1869; â€Å"War and Peace†) is a family and a historical novel in one and is said to be one of the greatest literary works in the history of world literature. Short fiction and poetry gradually replaced the novel and by the end of the 19th century were the dominant genres of Russian literature. Silver Age Alexander Blok Alexan der Blok 28 November 1880 – 7 August 1921 One of the most gifted lyrical poets produced by Russia after Alexander Pushkin.Impressionism and symbolism replaced social realism. A new breed of Russian poets was inspired by Western European cultures, while Russian culture was gaining in popularity in Europe. Russian poet and novelist Valery Bryusov introduced symbolism to Russian audiences. One of the most sophisticated poets of the time was Aleksandr Blok. His greatest work, â€Å"Dvenadtsat† (1918; â€Å"The Twelve,† 1920), described the mood of Petrograd (now Saint Petersburg) in the winter of 1918 in the wake of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution.Some of the greatest poets of the 20th century who opposed the Bolshevik Revolution and Soviet rule were Anna Akhmatova (Requiem, 1964), Marian Tsvetaeva and Osip Mandelstam. The last of these was arrested in the 1930s and died in a labour camp. Socialist realism Among those who supported the 1917 Revolution was a prominent Soviet novelist and playwright, Maksim Gorky (â€Å"Mother,† 1907). He was also a founder of socialist realism. After the Revolution, many writers left Russia for Europe and the West.Perhaps one of the most gifted among them was novelist Vladimir Nabokov who emigrated to the United States in 1940 and began writing in English. Under Joseph Stalin, the Soviet regime's enforcement of literary guidelines made many established writers withdraw from literature. Little literature was created at that time. Works by Andrey Platonov and Mikhail Bulgakov disappeared in the 1920s. Although Bulgakov had published several plays and stories, his masterpiece â€Å"Master and Margarita,† completed shortly before his death in 1940, remained unknown until it was published in 1966.After the end of WW2, the guidelines of socialist realism were enforced even more strictly than before, and the period from 1946 until the death of Stalin in 1953 was probably the bleakest in Russian literature of the 20th century. Russian literature in exile However, the decades after Stalin's death saw several thaws. Restrictions over literature were eased. In an effort to cast off Stalin's legacy, Nikita Khrushchev expanded the limits of what could be said in public and written in the press. In the 1960s a number of works that had previously been banned were republished and many writers felt relief.Boris Pasternak finally published his legendary novel â€Å"Doctor Zhivago,† although outside the Soviet Union. At first it was accepted by a Soviet magazine, but then rejected. Eventually it was published in the West in 1957. Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1958, but was forced by the Soviet authorities to decline the award. Khrushchev's campaign against Stalin also allowed the publication of another masterpiece, â€Å"Odin den' Ivana Denisovicha† (â€Å"A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich,† 1963) by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.It appeared in the lead ing Soviet literary magazine, causing a sensation. It focused on the realities of life in prison camps to which tens of thousands of people suspected of anti-Soviet views, including Solzhenitsyn himself, were sent. But still, novels by Solzhenitsyn, such as â€Å"Rakovyi Korpus† (â€Å"Cancer Ward,† 1968) and â€Å"V Kruge Pervom† (â€Å"The First Circle,† 1968) could not be published in the Soviet Union. Their publication abroad eventually led to an official campaign against the writer that resulted in his expulsion from the Soviet Union.He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1970. Among other prominent anti-Soviet authors was the poet Joseph Brodsky, who left the Soviet Union in 1972. In 1987 Brodsky too was awarded the Nobel Prize. Like Solzhenitsyn, he moved to the United States. New faces The early 1990s saw the collapse of the Soviet Union and with it the end of 70 years of state control over literature. Official censorship was over and th e government proclaimed freedom of the press. This long-awaited independence had profound effects on Russian literature. Works by writers

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Balance Sheet and Accounting Standards

ANSWER SHEET STUDENT’S SURNAME   OTHER NAMES   STUDENT NUMBER   TUTORIAL DAY & TIME TUTOR’S FULL NAME   Test 1 – Version 2 Session 2, 2012 Course Code: ACCG 224 Course Name: INTERMEDIATE FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Time allowed: 55 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time Total No. of questions: Three Questions Instructions 1. You must answer ALL questions in the test booklet. No separate booklet will be provided to answer the questions. . This is a closed-book test. You are not allowed to refer to any text material for the test. 3. Show all workings. Handwriting must be legible. 4. Non-programmable and non-text retrieval calculators may be used, but dictionaries are not to be used. Question No. Marks 1 /15 2 /15 3 /10 Total /40 Question 1 – Multiple Choice (15 marks) (Please circle the correct answer) 1. The main functions of the Financial Reporting Council include: I. II. III. IV. V. a. b. * c. d. overseeing the process for the setting of accounting standard s of the AASB. determining the AASB’s broad strategic direction. onitoring and reviewing the level of funding for the AASB. directing the AASB in relation to the development or making of a particular standard. the power to veto a standard recommended by the AASB. I, II, III and V only I, II, and III only I, II, IV and V only II, III, IV and V only 2. The role of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission is to: I. II. III. IV. a. b. c. * d. 3. I, II, III and IV I, III and IV only I, II and IV only II, and III only Regulatory capture is said to occur in which of the following situations? a. b. c. d. * 4. Enforce and administer the Corporations Act.Inform the public about Australian companies, financial markets and financial professionals who deal and advise in financial instruments. Issue accounting standards. Improve the performance of the financial system. When the regulated entities ensure non-performance by the regulating body When the regulated entities co-opt t he regulators into a mutually shared perspective When the regulated entities control the regulations and the regulatory body All of the above Which of these theories could explain a move towards government control of accounting standards setting in Australia? a. b. . d. * 5. Public interest theory Regulatory capture theory Private interest theory All of the above The primary reasons for developing a conceptual framework is: a. * b. c. d. To enable regulators to develop accounting standards that are consistent and logical To provide guidance to accountants in areas where no standard exists To reduce the number of accounting standards needed To assist auditors 2 6. According to the AASBs Conceptual Framework an asset is: a. b. c*. d. 7. A company incurs significant costs in relation to a speculative project that intends to turn rocks into gold.In accordance with the AASBs Conceptual Framework the costs of this project are an: a. * b. c. d. 8. d. it is not necessary to restate the prio r period comparatives; the error may be amended prospectively; it may be deferred and recognised in the subsequent period; a retrospective correction must be made. When changing an accounting policy which of the following has to be applied retrospectively? a. * b. c. d. 11. Relevance, reliability, materiality, consistency, verifiability, understandability Understandability, timeliness, relevance, readability, timeliness, reliability Relevance, faithful representation, comparability, nderstandability, verifiability, timeliness Uniformity, relevance, reliability, consistency, faithful representation Where a fundamental error occurs in the recognition process: a. b. c. d*. 10. expense because there is little probability that future economic benefits will eventuate expense because the recognition criteria for an asset is not satisfied asset because the definition and recognition criteria for assets are satisfied asset because the company will control the future economic benefits. The qu alitative characteristics for financial reporting contained in the Conceptual Framework are: a. b. c. 9. a contingent item depending on another event occurs at some time in the future a future benefits controlled by an entity as the result of a future transaction a future benefit controlled by an entity as the result of past transactions or events an item that has a physical existence and can be converted into cash. a voluntary change to improve the relevance of information presented a change due to the adoption of a new accounting standard a change due to the adoption of a new interpretation all of the above. A company’s workforce went on strike for an indefinite period commencing on 5 August 20X1.The strike was expected to cause severe financial conditions for the company. The financial statements for the year ended 30 June 20X1 were expected to be completed by 7 August 20X1. In accordance with AASB 110 Events after the Reporting Date, the appropriate treatment regarding th e strike is: a. * b. c. d. disclosure as a note to the financial statements, as it is a non-adjusting event; disclosure as a note to the financial statements, as it is an adjusting event; to adjust the financial statements, as it is a non-adjusting event; to adjust the financial statements, as it is an adjusting event. 12. Differences between the carrying amounts of an entity’s net assets determined under accounting standards and accrual accounting, and the tax bases of those net assets determined under the Income Tax Assessment Act, are described as: a. * b. c. d. 13. CTT Limited has an asset which cost $300 and against which depreciation of $100 has accumulated. The accumulated depreciation for tax purposes is $180 and the company tax rate is 30%. The tax base of this asset is: a. * b. c. d. 14. temporary differences permanent differences tax losses the current income tax liability. $120 $220 $80 $20In jurisdictions where the impairment of goodwill is not tax deductible, AA SB 112 Income Taxes: a. * b. c. d. does not permit the application of deferred tax accounting to goodwill allows the recognition of a deferred tax item in relation to goodwill requires that any deferred tax items in relation to goodwill be recognised directly in equity requires that any deferred tax items for goodwill be capitalised in the carrying amount of goodwill. 15. Revaluations under AASB 116 Property, Plant and Equipment apply to: a. b. c. d. * all assets on an individual basis individual current assets only individual non-current assets only ssets on a class-by-class basis. 4 Question 2 – Short Answers (15 marks) Part a. The ASIC Act details that one of the primary accounting standard functions of the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) is to ensure that accounting standards serve the best interests of both the private and public sector. Why is it important that the FRC ensure that the interests of the public sector are met? (3 marks) One of the crucial roles of FRC is to assess the continued relevance and effectiveness of accounting and auditing standards to ensure that accounting standards serve the best interests of both the private and public sector.Relevant accounting standards lead to required and appropriate accounting information disclosure. Accounting information serves an important public policy purpose — namely improving the flow of information to investors in a country’s capital markets. Accounting information helps investors and other stakeholders make sound economic decisions, which will enhance the efficiency of resource allocation and fairness of wealth distribution in the society. With the development of a country’s economy, the social welfare will increase.The public interest means such social welfare. 5 Part b. You have recently graduated with your Bachelor’s degree and have applied for a position with the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) as a technical adviser. At the interview, the Chai rman stresses that they often have difficulties in determining whether the standards they draw up should follow a ‘principles based’ or ‘rules based’ approach. In particular they want to implement standards to overcome creative accounting practices.Knowing that you have recently completed studies in accounting theory and standard setting, explain the Chairman what are the three main differences between the ‘principles based’ approach as opposed to a ‘rules based’ approach to standard setting? (3 marks) Principles Based ? †¢ †¢ IASB follows a principles-based approach to standard setting. Constructed in a broad framework that is not focussed on specific rules under specific circumstances Allows for professional judgement in relation to substance rather than form Advantages of principles-based standards †¢ Principles-based standards are simpler. They supply broad guidelines that can be applied to many situations. †¢ They improve the representational faithfulness of financial statements. †¢ They allow accountants to use their professional judgement. †¢ Evidence suggests that managers are less likely to attempt earnings management. Disadvantages of principles-based standards †¢ Managers may select treatments that do not reflect the underlying economic substance. †¢ The judgement and choice involved in many of the decisions mean that comparability among financial statements may be reduced Rules-based †¢ Currently FASB follows rules-based approach. Constructed in a framework that is focussed on specific rules under specific circumstances. †¢ Misuse in corporate collapses means that FASB is reconsidering if they should move to principles-based standards. Disadvantages of rules-based standards †¢ Rules-based standards can be very complex. †¢ Organisations can structure transactions to circumvent unfavourable reporting. †¢ Standards are likely to be inco mplete or even obsolete by the time they are issued. †¢ Manipulated compliance with rules makes auditing more difficult. †¢ Rules-based standards can be confusing. Part c.Explain what a conceptual framework is and what are the benefits of having a Conceptual Framework for the accounting profession? (4 marks) Definition of a Conceptual Framework ? ‘A coherent system of interrelated objectives and fundamentals that is expected to lead to consistent standards’; ? Also, it is an attempt to provide a structured theory of accounting that prescribes practice. ? establishes concepts/ideas that underlie the preparation and presentation of financial reports; ? assists standard setters, preparers, auditors, users and those interested in the work of standard setters How the framework is used for the accounting profession? Explains the concepts/ideas that underlie the preparation and presentation of financial reports for external users – What is the purpose of finan cial reporting? – For whom should financial reports be prepared? – What qualitative characteristics should financial information possess? – What are the elements of financial reporting? – What measurement rules should be employed? It provides guidance to the accountants when there is no specific guidance given in the accounting standards.It also assists the accountants when they cannot understand the application of certain IFRS due to the complexity involved. 7 Part d. Barton Ltd uses tractors as a part of its operating equipment, and it applies the straight-line depreciation method to depreciate these assets. Barton Ltd has just taken over Deakin Ltd, which uses similar tractors in its operations. However, Deakin Ltd has been using diminishing balance method of depreciation for these tractors. The accountant in Barton Ltd is arguing that for both entities the same depreciation method should be used for tractors. Provide arguments for and against this pro posal. 2 marks) Para 50 of AASB 116 notes that depreciation is the systematic allocation of the depreciable amount of an asset over its useful life.. Arguments against the Proposal ? Depreciation is measuring the change in value due to the use of an asset over the period. It is possible that Deakin Ltd has been using the diminishing value as it was going to use the tractor more in the early years of the economic life and hence the choice of the depreciation method is justified. Arguments in Favour ? It is important that there is consistency in the type of the asset and depreciation method applied.Part e. a. Explain the difference between the cost model and revaluation model under measurement subsequent to initial measurement. (3 marks) Cost Model AASB 116 requires that measurement subsequent to initial measurement of assets could be carried at cost less any accumulated: – depreciation; – impairment losses. Revaluation model – As an alternative to the cost model AASB 116 allows the revaluation model to be used for classes of assets. Revaluation is an adjustment of PPE’s carrying amount so that it reflects its current fair value. Measurement basis is fair value (FV).Frequency of revaluations is not specified, but must be performed with sufficient regularity such that the carrying amount of assets is not materially different from their FV. Revaluation performed on a class basis. Accounting performed on an asset-by-asset basis. 8 Question 3 – Practical (10 Marks) Bravo Ltd began operations on 1 July 2011 and has provided the following information: 1. 2. 3. Pre-tax accounting profit for the financial year ended 30 June 2012 is $150 000. The enacted tax rate is 30%. Differences between the 30 June 2012 income statement and tax return are listed below: (a) b) (c) (d) (e) 4. Annual leave expense accrued for financial reporting purposes amounts to $15 000. The employees were not allowed to take annual leave in the first year of operat ion. Depreciation of property, plant and equipment for accounting purposes amounts to $120 000. Depreciation of these assets amounts to $80 000 for the tax return. Entertainment expenses of $6 500 were included in computing pre-tax accounting profit. Tax free government grants of $5 000 were recognised as income. As a small business, Bravo Ltd chose for taxation purposes cash accounting for their sales revenue.Accounts receivable regarding sales show a balance of $20 000 at year-end. There was no need to recognise any allowance for doubtful debts. Taxable profit is expected for the next few years. Required (a) (b) (c) Calculate taxable profit for the financial year ended 30 June 2012. (4 marks) Prepare the journal entry to record income tax expense, deferred tax and income tax payable for the financial year ended 30 June 2012. (4 marks) Draft the income statement beginning with ‘Profit before income tax’. (2 marks) (a) Pre-tax accounting profit $150 000 Permanent differ ences: Entertainment expenseTax-exempt revenue Adjusted accounting profit 6 500 (5 000) 151 500 Originating temporary differences: Annual Leave Provision Accounting expense Tax deductible Excess depreciation expense Accounting expense Tax deductible Excess Revenue Taxable profit (b) $ 15 000 (0 ) 15 000 > DTA 4 500 120 000 (80 000) 40 000 > DTA 12 000 (20 000) > DTL 6,000 $186 500 > Income tax payable 55 950 Income Tax Expense 45 450 Deferred Tax Asset 16 500 Income Tax Payable 55 950 9 Deferred tax liability 6 000 DTA = 4 500 + 12 000 (c) Profit before income tax Income tax expense Profit for the period $150 000 45 450 $104 550 10

Response: Doing Fieldwork Among the Yanomamo Essay

Shaki, or Napoleon A. Chagnon’s 15 month enculturation with the Yanomamo tribe, Bisaasi-teri is characterized by fear, discomfort, loneliness, nosiness, and invaluable experiences through relationships and modesty about human culture. Chagnon documents the experience through the struggle and discovery surrounding his proposed research, as his lifestyle gradually comes in sync with the natural functions of his community. Much of his focus and time was consumed by identification of genealogical records, and the establishment of informants and methods of trustworthy divulgence. Marriage, sex, and often resulting violence are the foremost driving forces within Yanomamo, and everything that we consider part of daily routine is completely unknown and inconsequential to them. Traveling between neighboring tribes, he draws conclusions about intertribal relations, especially concerning marriage and raiding. Chagnon deals with cultural complexity that takes time to decipher, and in process, potential risk. Confronted with seemingly trivial situations, they often become unexpected phenomena and Chagnon’s adherence to documentation is amazing. He encounters personal epiphanies that I find intriguing, related to privacy and hygiene. This report becomes an inspiring document of an extreme anthropologic lifestyle as much as it is a cultural essay. Few articles capture my attention like this one did. I found myself evolving in relation to the paralleled maturation of both cultures. Merely sitting on my bed, I developed a detachment from the tendency to contrast my knowledge of culture from the pure consideration of theirs. My affinity for this type of anthropologic study stems from my adoration of travel. Fortunate to travel from a younger age I have been enamored by being dropped in a stew of culture. I have vacationed to European and Caribbean countries with family and tapped into the tourism that runs the world of wealth of professional boredom. School programs have allowed me to take advantage of education abroad, and I have ventured to new personal frontiers on my own accord. This range of travel experiences paired with my father’s dissatisfaction with our society’s functioning, has planted in me a fertilizer of criticism and drive for exploration. I have always vaguely understood the role of anthropologists, yet I never considered the connection between their professional training, field work, and my desire to be culture-dexterous as a viable profession. Ironically, as I confront a rather innate realm of product design in my studies, ethnography has been revealed to me as a significant role in my prospective career. All of the most memorable events involve the human to human interactions that force questioning on tradition, moral, and agenda. I assume that the article is not intended to inspire others to perform this type of research, but to allow people to consider their lives for just enough time to seriously judge their preoccupations. The lifestyle which Chagnon is forced to adopt appears crude, unhealthy; nearly unacceptable for our standards. Personally, I am thrilled at the idea of enduring these hardships as true troubles of human life come to light. It is easy to trace Chagnon’s account through his growth and adoption of their traditions, lifestyles and moral codes. As an American, my response is to first consider these adoptions, yet the Bisaasi-teri proved to be just as clever and interested in understanding and adopting the ways of â€Å"Shaki† (Chagnon’s nickname meaning: pesky, noisome bee). Many natives were infatuated with the goods that were brought with him; evoking curiosity and incessant ploys to steal or seduce him into sharing them. This became a tool which rivaled Chagnon’s incessant pestering about their lineage, which discussion proved to be a strict cultural stigma. Chagnon did well to manipulate their desires to extract necessary information. It is difficult to judge the ethicality of doing so, based on no knowledge of what was done with the genealogical data after collected. This is a breakdown where the AAA (American Anthropological Association) might see an opportunity for ethical issues concerning the method of information attained. It is admirable to see Chagnon’s efforts remain critical as he builds relationships with the Yanomamo People. One relationship in particular is very interesting because of contradictions on previous observations and statements. Chagnon stated, â€Å"I would be bitterly disappointed that my erstwhile friend thought no more of me than to finesse our personal relationship exclusively with the intention of getting at my locked up possessions, and my depression would hit new lows every time I discovered this. † He observed for an extended period of time that friendship was based on lasting debts to be reimbursed, often at unequal ratios. This behavior rang true not only of him, but of Rerebawa, who married into the tribe. It becomes interesting to consider that his value was that of material objects and debts, much like we experience in some parts of American culture. As Chagnon dove deeper into his pursuit of genealogical data, he befriended Rerebawa due to their shared alienated positions and was able to surpass language barriers and misunderstandings. Return trips have proven that this friendship is solidified in past experience and must be extremely exciting to build such connections. Statistical data and relevance of collected genealogical date were not presented in this essay, however, the overall emotion and importance of cross-cultural understanding is well addressed. It is an exciting opportunity to be able to so definitely define current cultures, as forms of documentation have been developed in our society. In turn, it is amazing that cultures of such different developments, resources, and agendas can exist simultaneously. Documents like this should be a source of inspiration for many to explore the world as a human, not as an American. Hopefully, this idea will prompt efforts of coexistence, sustainability, and the pursuit of vitality for all life.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Bullying Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Bullying - Research Paper Example Bullying is the act of intimidating or influencing someone who is weak in terms of strength, status or experience. According to Harris, Ireland and Forsyth, bullying is a way for the powerful to suppress the weaklings or just express their dominance over them (Harris 302, Ireland 80 & Forsyth 225). What leads to this attitude of the bullies’ and their underlying need to be accepted as superior is a different debate altogether. Bullying is considered as an everyday part of the society, but this does not mean that it should be accepted as a norm by the society. The society and the stakeholders need to counter this issue since those who are victims as well as bullies fall in the age bracket of those categorized as children and are considered as the most important section. The research question that this study sorts to address in this research is â€Å"whether childhood bullying impacts the adult life of the bully as well as the victim?† The hypothesis of the present study is that â€Å"bullying negatively impacts the childhood as well as the adult life of a bully as well as victim†. ... Psychological studies suggest that some children resort to bullying to overcome their fear of non-acceptance (Kostelnik 382). Copeland conducted a research to find out the effects of bullying on adult life and for this, they took a sample of 1420 young people and researched them at two age points 6-11 years and 24-26 years (Copeland 423). The group was classified into the bullies and victims and a third group of people that fell into both the categories, changing from the victim to a bully in adolescent, bully victims. After a comprehensive study, it was revealed that the bullies fared fairly well in their adult life as compared to the victims. The victims were researched to be six times more vulnerable to psychiatric disorders and other health problems as compared to people not involved in bullying or being bullied. Social Development of Bully and Victim In childhood, the effects of being bullied at school, neighborhood or elsewhere can be detected very easily. According to Maudlin, the characteristics of victims of bullying may or may not include â€Å"anxious, insecure, cautious, low self-esteem, defenseless, lower number of friends, experiencing social isolation and relatively newer to a particular school† (Maudlin 31). Since a child is too scared generally to discuss such an experience at the fear of being mocked or victimized again, this becomes an innate experience that eats up the child from the inside. He tends to feels oppressed and low most of the time which results in his retreating nature. The bully, however, is bound to have a dominating nature and a rowdy personality. His lack of regard for other’s feelings is a symptom of his bullying. As the child enters adolescent age, with

Monday, October 7, 2019

Cooper's Industries M&A Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cooper's Industries M&A - Case Study Example The complementary development continued throughout the 1970’s as did the diversification into related areas. The main aim of this corporate strategy has been to lessen its dependence on the cyclical natural gas business. 2) Cooper’s creates value through building similar businesses around related areas of its expertise and then achieving synergies from these businesses. The value that is created is by combining the strengths of the related diversification and complementary building by which the company achieves capabilities in areas close to each other. This synergy helps it to achieve scale and size in running the business. Hence, Cooper’s creates value through these twin processes and by achieving synergies. 3) The key resources of Cooper’s are its people and especially those in the upper reaches of management. The company has consciously followed a strategy of hiring the best talent available to run its various businesses and this has resulted in it achieving a corporate culture that has become an asset for the company. The other key resource of Cooper’s is its culture of encouraging the various businesses to run autonomously thereby encouraging risk-taking and entrepreneurial spirit among the business units. This is related to the company culture and hence it can be said that Cooper’s key resources are its people and the processes that it has built around them. 4) It is my view that Cooper’s should not acquire Champion Spark plugs. There are many reasons for this and they range from the gigantic restructuring that needs to take place at the organizational and operational level as well as the huge increase in its debt percentage resulting from the deal. Further, the company does not stand to gain from integrating another company that is primarily into manufacturing spare parts as the potential synergies from such a move are debatable.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Childhood Vaccinations Are they really needed Essay

Childhood Vaccinations Are they really needed - Essay Example Flanders (2000), states the two examples of child's deaths which are connected with vaccination and non-vaccination. According to her article, one of the girls died of Hepatitis B, which kills about 5,000 thousand people in the US each year and the other died after being vaccinated against polio. The main question, asked by Flanders (2000), is whether it should be obligatory to go through childhood vaccination, or should parents be able to refuse from immunization 'to avoid rare, but sometimes, serious, reactions' 'All sides of this debate have the same concerns at heart. They all want children to be healthy and protected. It's just the ways to achieve this goal that are contentious. The fact that vaccines prevent a huge number of illnesses, but have some side effects, makes for a difficult policy question, but not one that hasn't been solved in other areas.' (Allen 2002) At the same time, according to the Allen's article, 'the compensation program provides financial assistance to families to care for children injured by vaccines and helps those families who have lost a child to a severe side effect'. But it should be remembered, that the mentioned system is designed as 'non-fault', which means that it is no need in defining whether vaccine has been defective or the doctor didn't have enough medical skills to prevent side effects. In case no other specific medical reasons for child's death are found, it is supposed that the vaccine has caused it. But it should also be remembered, that ' if the injury or cause of death is not one of a list of known vaccine side effects, the families must provide proof that the ailment was caused by the vaccine'. (O'Meara, 2003) Using the MEDLINE database, it was possible to find the following data: 'There's been a huge decline, and disease rates in adults are now higher than in children," said Dr. Beth P. Bell, chief of epidemiology in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s Division of Viral Hepatitis and senior author of a report that appears in today's Journal of the American Medical Association. There were 25,000 to 35,000 cases of hepatitis A per year in this country before the era of vaccination. But in 2003, about 7,600 cases were reported, and the total for 2004 will probably be around 6,000.' (http:/ Research methodology The present research is based on comparing the existing literary sources and data in terms of positive and negative effects of childhood vaccination, for finding out the objective and profound conclusion. Theoretical framework The theoretical framework of the present research should be based on the analysis of the available data in relation to positive and negative effects of the vaccinations. At the same time, the main hypothesis of the work is that health care for both groups of children (those who have received their vaccinations according to the schedule and those who didn't) will not be different. The independent variable here is presented by the presence or absence of vaccination among children, while any differences in health medical care for them

Saturday, October 5, 2019

GM crops food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

GM crops food - Essay Example he customers or the industrial world consumers play a significant role in the GM crops food, as they are the potential basis on which the biotechnology organization can evaluate the effects of these foods on human health (Canavari, 2009). For the biotechnology industry of GM crops food, social media could be a better tool of communication as it will provide information to the public about his product, the services, and the enterprise itself. From this tool, the industry can get back the opinions from other people and try to rectify where critics are experienced. This can help the producers look into the health aspect of the food in a better way (Smith & Zook, 2011). Consumers on the other hand can use direct mails to the organizations whenever they find an issue regarding the product. This aims at making the suppliers to act immediately basing on the feedback from the customers. An example of a direct mail may be a suggestion for a certain method to reduce the health risks in the foods. Retrieved 2 Dec. 20120 from