Saturday, August 31, 2019

Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story Chapter 26

Chapter 26 At the End of the Night†¦ The Emperor worked a wooden match around the end of a Cuban cigar, drawing and checking until the tip glowed like revolution. â€Å"I don't agree with their ideology,† said the Emperor, â€Å"but we must give the Marxists their due – they roll a fine cigar.† Bummer snorted and growled at the cigar, then shook himself violently, spraying the Emperor and Lazarus with a fine wet mist. The Emperor scratched the Boston terrier behind the ears. â€Å"Settle down, little one, you needed a bath. If we vanquish our enemy, it will be through gallantry and courage, not the stench of our persons.† Shortly after sunset a member of the yacht club had given the Emperor the cigar and had invited him to use the club showers. Much to the chagrin of the club custodian, the Emperor shared his shower with Bummer and Lazarus, who left the drain hopelessly clogged with the fluff, stuff, and filth such as heroes are made of. Now they were passing the evening on the same dock on which they had slept, the Emperor savoring his cigar while the troops stood watch. â€Å"Where do we go from here? Must we wait for the fiend to kill again before we pick up the trail?† Bummer considered the questions, working the words over in his doggy brain looking for a  «food » word. Not finding it, he began to lick his balls to remove the annoying odor of deodorant soap. Once he achieved the desired balance (of both his ends smelling roughly the same), he padded around the dock marking the mooring posts against seabound invaders. With the borders of the realm firmly established, he went in search of something dead to roll in to remove the last evidence of the shower. The right smell was near, but it was coming in off the water. Bummer went toward the smell until he stood at the end of the dock. He saw a small white cloud bubbling out over the gunwale of a yacht moored a hundred yards away. Bummer barked to let the cloud know to stay away. â€Å"Settle down, little one,† said the Emperor. Lazarus shook some water out of his ears and joined Bummer at the end of the dock. The cloud was halfway between the yacht and the dock, pulsating and bubbling as it moved across the water toward them. Lazarus lowered his head and growled. Bummer added a high whine to the harmony. â€Å"What is it, men?† the Emperor asked. He put his cigar out on the sole of his shoe and secured the remains in his breast pocket before limping, stiff from sitting, to the end of the dock. The cloud was almost to the dock. Lazarus bared his teeth and snarled at it. Bummer backed away from the edge of the dock, not sure whether to bolt or stand his ground. The Emperor looked out over the water and saw the cloud. It was not wispy at the edges, but sharply defined, more like a solid mass of gel than water vapor. â€Å"It's just a bit of fog, men, don't†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He spotted a face forming in the cloud that changed as he watched to the shape of a giant hand, then bubbled into the head of a dog. â€Å"Although weather is not my specialty, I would venture to guess that that is no ordinary fog bank.† The cloud undulated into the shape of a huge viper that reared up, twenty feet over the water, as if preparing to strike. Bummer and Lazarus let go with a fusillade of barking. â€Å"Gents, let us away to the showers. I've left my sword by the sink.† The Emperor turned and ran down the dock, Bummer and Lazarus close at his heels. When he reached the clubhouse he turned to see the cloud creeping over the lip of the dock. He stood, watching transfixed, as the cloud began to condense into the solid form of a tall, dark man. The Animals began drifting into the store around midnight, and to Tommy's delight they all seemed at least as hung over as he was. Drew, tall, gaunt, and deadly earnest, had them sit on the register counters and wait for his medical diagnosis. He walked from man to man, looking at their tongues and the whites of their eyes. Then he walked toward the office and seemed to lose himself in concentration. After a moment he went into the office and came back with the truck manifest. Drew noted the number of cases, then nodded to himself and removed a bottle of pills from his shirt pocket and handed it to Tommy. â€Å"Take one and pass it down. Who drank the tequila?† Simon, who had pulled his black Stetson over his eyes, raised his hand with a slight moan. â€Å"You take two, Simon. They're Valium number fives.† â€Å"Housewife heroin,† said Simon. Drew announced, â€Å"Everyone drink a quart of Gatorade, a slug of Pepto, three aspirin, some B vitamins, and two Vivarin.† Barry, the balding scuba diver, said, â€Å"I don't trust that over-the-counter stuff.† â€Å"I'm not finished,† Drew said. From his shirt pocket he pulled an aluminum cigar tube, unscrewed the cap, and tipped it into his hand. A long, yellow paper cone slid out. He held it out to Tommy. It smelled like a cross between a skunk and a eucalyptus cough drop. Tommy raised an eyebrow to Drew. â€Å"What is it?† â€Å"Don't worry about it. It's recommended by the Jamaican Medical Association. Anybody got a light?† Simon pitched his Zippo to Drew, who handed it to Tommy. Tommy hesitated before lighting the joint and looked at Drew. â€Å"This is just pot, right? This isn't some weird designer kill-the-family-with-a-chain-saw-and-choke-to-death-on-your-own-vomit drug, right?† â€Å"Not if used as directed,† Drew said. â€Å"Oh. Okay.† Tommy sparked the Zippo, lit the joint, and took a deep hit. Holding in the smoke – his eyes watering, his face scrunched in gargoyle determination, his limbs contorted as if he had contracted a case of the instant creeping geeks – he offered the joint to Lash, the black business major. There was a thump on the front door, followed by an urgent pounding that rattled the windows. Tommy dropped the joint and coughed, expelling a blast of smoke and spittle in Lash's face. The Animals shouted and turned, not so much startled by the noise, but tortured by the assault on their collective hangover. Outside the double automatic doors the Emperor pounded on the frame with his wooden sword. The dogs jumped around his feet barking and leaping as if they had treed a raccoon on the roof of the store. Tommy, still gasping for breath, dug into his pocket for the store keys and made his way to the door. â€Å"It's okay. I know him.† â€Å"Everybody knows him,† Simon said. â€Å"Crazy old fuck.† Tommy turned the key and pulled the doors open. The Emperor fell into the store. Bummer and Lazarus leaped over their master and disappeared down an aisle. The Emperor thrashed around on the floor and Tommy had to step back to keep from having his shins whacked by the wooden sword. â€Å"Calm down,† Tommy said. â€Å"You're okay.† The Emperor climbed to his feet and grabbed Tommy by the shoulders. â€Å"We have to marshal our forces. The monster is at hand. Quickly now!† Tommy looked back at the Animals and grinned. â€Å"He's okay, really.† Then, to the Emperor, â€Å"Just slow down, okay. Can I get you something to eat?† â€Å"There's no time for that. We must take the battle to him.† Simon called, â€Å"Maybe Drew has something to mellow him out.† Drew had recovered the joint and was in the process of relighting it. Tommy closed and locked the door, then took the Emperor by the arm and led him toward the office. â€Å"See, Your Majesty, you're inside now. You're safe. Now let's go sit down and see if we can sort this out.† â€Å"Locked doors won't stop him. He can take the form of mist and pass through the smallest crack.† The Emperor addressed the Animals. â€Å"Arm yourself, while there is still time.† â€Å"Who?† Asked Lash. â€Å"Who's he talking about?† Tommy cleared his throat. â€Å"The Emperor thinks that there's a vampire stalking the City.† â€Å"You're shittin' me,† Barry said. â€Å"I've just seen him,† the Emperor said, â€Å"at the marina. He changed from a cloud of vapor to human form as I watched. He's not far behind me, either.† Tommy patted the old man's arm. â€Å"Don't be silly, Your Highness. Even if there were vampires, they can't turn into vapor.† â€Å"But I saw it.† â€Å"Look!† Tommy said. â€Å"You saw something else. I know for a fact that vampires can't change into vapor.† â€Å"You know that for a fact?† Simon drawled. Tommy looked at Simon, expecting to see the usual grin, but Simon was waiting for an answer. Tommy shook his head. â€Å"I'm trying to get things under control here, Simon. You want to give me a break?† â€Å"How do you know?† Simon insisted. â€Å"It was in a book I was reading. You remember, Simon, you read that one too.† Simon looked as if he had just been threatened, which he had. â€Å"Yeah, right,† he said, pushing his Stetson back down over his eyes and leaning back on the register. â€Å"Well, you ought to just call the loony-bin boys for your friend there.† â€Å"I'll take care of him,† Tommy said. â€Å"You guys get started on the truck.† He opened the office door and nudged the Emperor toward it. â€Å"What about the men?† asked the Emperor. â€Å"They're safe. Come on in and tell me about it.† â€Å"But the monster?† â€Å"If he wanted to kill me, I'd be dead already.† Tommy shut the office door behind them. Big hair, Jody thought. Big hair is the way to go with this outfit. After all these years of trying to tame my hair, all I had to do was dress like an upscale hooker and I would have been fine. She was walking up Geary Street, her fake Gucci bag of free cosmetics still in hand. There was a new club down here somewhere and she needed to dance, or at least show off a little. A panhandler wearing a cardboard sign that read, â€Å"I am Unemployed and Illiterate (a friend wrote this for me),† stopped her and tried to sell her a free weekly newspaper. Jody said, â€Å"I can pick that up anywhere. It's free.† â€Å"It is?† â€Å"Yes. They give it away in every store and cafe in town.† â€Å"I wondered why they were laying out there for the taking.† Jody was angry with herself for being pulled into this exchange. â€Å"It says ‘free' right there on the cover.† The bum pointed to the sign hanging around his neck and tried to look tragic. â€Å"Maybe you could give me quarter for it anyway.† Jody started to walk away. The bum followed along beside her. â€Å"There's a great article on recovery groups on page ten.† She looked at him. â€Å"Someone told me,† he said. Jody stopped. â€Å"I'll give you this if you'll leave me alone.† She held out the cosmetics bag. The bum acted as if he had to think about it. He looked her up and down, pausing at her cleavage before looking her in the eye. â€Å"Maybe we could work something out. You must be cold in that dress. I could warm you up.† â€Å"Normally,† Jody said, â€Å"if I met a guy who was unemployed and illiterate who hadn't bathed in a couple of weeks, I'd be standing in a puddle with excitement, but I'm sort of in a bad mood tonight, so take this bag and give me the fucking paper before I pop your little head like a zit.† She pushed the bag into his chest, knocking him back against the window of a closed camera store. The bum offered her the paper tentatively and she snatched it from his hand. He said, â€Å"You're a lesbian, aren't you?† Jody screamed at him: a high, explosive, unintelligible expulsion of pure inhuman frustration – a Hendrix high note sampled and sung by a billion suffering souls in Hell's own choir. The window of the camera shop shattered and fell in shards to the sidewalk. The store alarm wailed, paltry in comparison to Jody's scream. The bum covered his ears and ran away. â€Å"Cool,† Jody said, more than a bit satisfied with herself. She opened the paper and read as she walked up the street to the club. Outside the club Jody got in line with a crowd of well-dressed wannabees and resumed reading her paper, enjoying the stares of the men on line in her peripheral vision. The club was called 753. It seemed to Jody that all of the new, trendy clubs had eschewed names for numbers. Kurt and his broker buddies had been big fans of the number-named clubs, which made for Monday-morning recount conversations that sounded more like equations: â€Å"We went to Fourteen Ninety-Two and Ten Sixty-Six, then Jimmy drank ten Seven-Sevens at Nineteen Seventeen, went fifty-one fifty and got eighty-sixed.† Normally, that many numbers in succession would have had Kurt diving for his PC to establish trend lines and resistance levels. Jody glazed over at the mention of numbers, which would have made living with the broker a bit of an ordeal even if he hadn't been an asshole. She thought, I wonder if Kurt will be here. I hope so. I hope he's here with the little well-bred, breastless wonder. Oh, she won't care, but he'll die a thousand jealous deaths. Then she heard the alarm sounding down the street and thought, Maybe I should learn to channel some of this hostility. â€Å"You, in the LED!† said the doorman. Jody looked up from her paper. â€Å"Go on in,† the doorman said. As she walked past the other people on line she was careful to avoid eye contact. One single guy reached out and grabbed her arm. â€Å"Say I'm your date,† he begged. â€Å"I've been waiting for two hours.† â€Å"Hi, Kurt,† Jody said. â€Å"I didn't see you.† Kurt stepped back. â€Å"Oh. Oh my God. Jody?† She smiled. â€Å"How's your head?† He was trying to catch his breath. â€Å"Fine. It's fine. You look†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Thanks, Kurt. Good to see you again. I'd better get inside.† He clawed the air after her. â€Å"Could you say I'm your date?† She turned and looked at him as if she had found him in the back of the refrigerator with green growing on him. â€Å"I have been chosen, Kurt. You, on the other hand, are an untouchable. I don't think you'd be appropriate for the image I'm trying to project.† As she walked into the club she heard Kurt say to the next guy in line, â€Å"She's a lesbian, you know.† Jody thought, Yep, I've got to work on controlling my hostility. The theme of 753 was Old San Francisco; actually, Old San Francisco burning down, which is largely what Old San Francisco used to do. There was an antique hand-pump fire engine in the middle of the dance floor. Cellophane flames leaped from pseudowindows driven by turbine fans. Nozzles in the ceiling drizzled dry-ice smoke over a crowd of young professionals ar-rhythmically sweating in layers of casual cotton and wool. A flannel-clad grunge rocker here; a tie-dyed and dreadlocked Rastafarian there; some neo-hippies; a sprinkling of black-eyed, white-faced New Wave holdovers – looking alienated – contemplating the next body part to have pierced; a few harmless suburban homeboys – here to bust a move, def and phat, in three-hundred-dollar giant gel-filled, glow-in-the-dark, pneumatic, NBA-endorsed sneakers. The doorman had tried to make a mix, but with fashionable micro-brewery beer going for seven bucks a bottle, the crowd was bound to overbalance to the sid e of privilege and form a thick yuppie scum. Cocktail waitresses in fireman helmets served reservoirs of imported water and thanked people for not smoking. Jody slinked onto a barstool and opened her paper to avoid eye contact with a droopy-eyed drunk on the next stool. It didn't work. † ‘Scuse me, I couldn't help noticing that you were sitting down. I'm sitting down too. Small world, huh?† Jody looked up briefly and smiled. Mistake. â€Å"Can I buy you a drink?† the drunk asked. â€Å"Thanks, I don't drink,† she said, thinking, Why did I come here? What did I hope to accomplish? â€Å"It's my hair, isn't it?† Jody looked at the guy. He was about her age and balding, not quite finished with what looked like a bad hair-transplant job. His scalp looked as if it had been strafed with a machine gun full of plugs. She felt bad for him. â€Å"No, I really don't drink.† â€Å"How about a mineral water?† â€Å"Thanks. I don't drink anything.† From the stool behind her a man's voice. â€Å"She'll drink this.† She turned to see a glass filled with a thick, red-black liquid being pushed in front of her by a bone-white hand. The index and middle finger seemed a little too short. â€Å"They're still growing back,† the vampire said. Jody recoiled from him so hard she nearly went over backward on her barstool. The vampire caught her arm and steadied her. â€Å"Hey, buddy,† said Hair Plugs, â€Å"hands off.† The vampire let go of Jody's arm, reached across to put his hand on Hair Plugs's shoulder, and held him fast to his seat. The drunk's eyes went wide. The vampire smiled. â€Å"She'll rip out your throat and drink your blood as you die. Is that what you want?† Hair Plugs shook his head violently. â€Å"No, I already have an ex-wife.† The vampire released him. â€Å"Go away.† Hair Plugs slid off the stool and ran off into the crowd on the dance floor. Jody leaped to her feet and started to follow him. The vampire caught her arm and wheeled her around. â€Å"Don't,† he said. Jody caught his wrist and began to squeeze. A human arm would have been reduced to mush. The vampire grinned. Jody locked eyes with him. â€Å"Let go.† â€Å"Sit,† he said. â€Å"Murderer.† The vampire threw his head back and laughed. The bartender, a burly jock type, looked up, then looked away. Just another loud drunk. â€Å"I can take you,† Jody said, not really believing it. She wanted to break loose and run. The vampire, still smiling, said, â€Å"It would make an interesting news story, wouldn't it? ‘Pale Couple Destroys Club in Domestic Disagreement. Shall we?† Jody let go of his wrist but stayed locked on his eyes. They were black, showing no iris. â€Å"What do you want?† The vampire broke the stare and shook his head. â€Å"Little fledgling, I want your company, of course. Now sit.† Jody climbed back onto the stool and stared into the glass before her. â€Å"That's better. It's almost over, you know. I didn't think you would last this long, but alas, it must come to an end. The game has become a bit too public. You have to break from the cattle now. They don't understand you. You are not one of them anymore. You are their enemy. You know it, don't you? You've known it since your first kill. Even your little pet knows it.† Jody started to shake. â€Å"How did you get into the loft to get Tommy's book?† The vampire grinned again. â€Å"One develops certain talents over time. You're still young, you wouldn't understand.† Part of Jody wanted to slam her fist into his face and run, yet another part wanted answers to all the questions that had been running through her mind since the night she was changed. â€Å"Why me? Why did you do this to me?† The vampire stood up and patted her on the shoulder. â€Å"It's almost over. The sadness of having a pet is that they always die on you. At the end of the night, you are alone. You'll know that feeling very soon. Drink up.† He turned and walked away. Jody watched him leave, relieved that he was gone, but at the same time disappointed. There were so many questions. She picked up the glass, smelled the liquid, and nearly gagged. The bartender snickered. â€Å"I never had an order for a double of straight grenadine before. Can I get you something else?† â€Å"No, I've got to go catch him.† She picked up her paper, got up, ran up the steps and out of the club. She found that if she stayed on the balls of her feet, she could actually run in the high-heeled pumps. Chalk one up for vampire strength, she thought. She grabbed the doorman by the shoulder and swung him around. â€Å"Did you see a thin, pale guy in black just leave?† â€Å"That way.† The doorman pointed east on Geary. â€Å"He was walking.† â€Å"Thanks,† Jody tossed over her shoulder as she took to the sidewalk, waiting to break into a run until she was out of sight from the club. She ran a block before taking off the pumps and carrying them. The street was empty; only the buzz of wires and the soft padding of her feet on the sidewalk broke the silence. She'd run ten blocks when she spotted him, a block away, leaning against a lamppost. He turned and looked at her as she pulled up. â€Å"So, fledgling, what are you going to do when you catch me?† he asked in a soft voice, knowing she would hear. â€Å"Kill me? Break off a signpost and drive it though my heart? Rip my head from my shoulders and play puppet with it while my body flops around on the sidewalk?† The vampire pantomimed flopping, rolled his eyes, and grinned. Jody said nothing. She didn't know what she was going to do. She hadn't thought about it. â€Å"No,† she said. â€Å"How can I stop you from killing Tommy?† â€Å"They always betray you, you know. It's in their nature.† â€Å"What if I leave? Don't tell him where I'm going?† â€Å"He knows we exist. We have to hide, fledgling. Always. Completely.† Jody felt strangely calm. Perhaps it was hearing the â€Å"we.† Maybe it was talking in a normal voice to someone a block away. Whatever it was, she wasn't afraid, not for herself, anyway. She said, â€Å"If we have to hide, why all the killings?† The vampire laughed again. â€Å"Did you ever have a cat bring you a bird it had killed?† â€Å"Why?† â€Å"Presents, fledgling. Now if you are going to kill me, please do. If not, go play with your pet while you can.† He turned and walked away. â€Å"Wait!† Jody called. â€Å"Did you pull me through the basement window?† â€Å"No,† the vampire said without looking back. â€Å"I am not interested in saving you. And if you follow me, you will find out exactly how a vampire can be killed.† Gotcha, asshole, Jody thought. He had saved her.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Sample Pr Campaign

Communications Plan Addressing Most Pressing Reputational Issues Facing Livestrong Background of current issue facing Livestrong Foundation Lance Armstrong – the 7 time Tour De France winner, cancer survivor and founding chairman of the Livestrong Foundation, has been facing a lot of pressure and criticism from the media and the public due to allegations of doping made by the United States Anti Doping Agency (BBC, 2012). On October 17 2012 Armstrong resigned as Chairman due to allegation of doping (Mary, 2012).In November 2012, Lance Armstrong officially stepped down from the board of directors and ended his association with the Livestrong Foundation which was then known as The Lance Armstrong Foundation (Mclaggan, 2012; Vertuno, 2012). However, despite this, the opinion of the people towards the Livestrong Foundation is one of prejudice. Many companies who formally endorsed Armstrong have dropped him from their campaigns. Some of these companies were Nike, Trek Bicycles, Giro , FRS (energy products), and 24 Hours Fitness (Petchesky, 2012).Various reasons were given by the heads of these organizations as to why Armstrong was dropped. FRS Chief of Marketing commented: â€Å"this seems like a good time to part ways† while 24 Hours Fitness stated: â€Å"our business relationship with Armstrong no longer aligns with our company’s mission and values† (Schrotenboer, 2012). These and many more statements were made in regards to the doping allegations. Armstrong’s reputation and image is currently deteriorating rapidly.There are many opinions from segments of society (such as the public and the media,) regarding the Livestrong Foundation after this alleged scandal. Here is a brief overview of the situation from various stakeholders (See Appendix for Livestrong Foundation view): The Public: The public had varied opinions. There has been one section of people who have stood strongly by Lance Armstrong and the Livestrong Foundation. They stand by the fact that the foundation is still about researching a cure for cancer and so it will always be respected in the eyes of the community.Lou Hablas has supported Livestrong for years and worn the iconic yellow bracelet in honor of his uncle, stepmother and friends who have lost loved ones to cancer. The 49-year-old Georgia resident says he'll continue to wear the bracelet despite news that embattled cyclist Lance Armstrong is stepping down as chairman of the charity he founded 15 years ago. But the poster of Armstrong leading his Discovery teammates in the team time trial at the 2005 Tour de France is coming down from his office wall amid news that the U. S.Anti-Doping Agency found â€Å"overwhelming† evidence of Armstrong's involvement in doping as a professional cycler. â€Å"What Lance initiated through the formation of a foundation in his name and efforts through Livestrong far exceed this formal and seemingly final recognition of Lance's fallibility, Cancer su cks and it is much bigger than Lance Armstrong † Hablas said in an interview with CNN (CNN, 2012). The feeling of Lou Hablas mirrors the feeling of millions around the world. While they still continue to strongly support the Livestrong, their respect for Lance Armstrong has diminished due to the doping incident.They are able to separate the foundation from Lance Armstrong and the controversy surrounding Lance Armstrong does not change their opinion on the Livestrong Foundation. On the other hand, there has also been a large segment of the public who have lost their faith in the Livestrong Foundation. Wendy Adams of Manchester, Pennsylvania, and her sisters have been wearing their yellow bracelets since their father was diagnosed with end stage prostate cancer in 2004. When her father died in 2005, the family respected his wish to be cremated wearing the bracelet and spent $200 dollars on the bracelets for family and friends to hand out.Now, she says she can't wear the bracelet with pride anymore because of its connection to Armstrong and the organization. She has taken it off and vows to never again wear it. She says â€Å"Lance is Livestrong, he is the face of hope. And when that face is that of a liar, a manipulator, for me? I can't wear it with pride anymore. † (Ibid) Therefore we see that the public has different opinions regarding the Livestrong Foundation after Lance Armstrong’s doping scandal. But the vast majority of people are able to distinguish between the Livestrong Foundation and Lance Armstrong.They recognize that the Livestrong Foundation is about cancer which is much bigger than Lance Armstrong and the foundation needn’t suffer due to the Lance Armstrong scandal. The Media: The media has been investigating the Livestrong Foundation closely after the Lance Armstrong doping scandal. The Livestrong Foundation has been under intense scrutiny recently. Bill Gifford, a journalist from OUTSIDE magazine, released an article s tating that the Livestrong Foundation doesn’t in fact do much to fund research to find a cancer cure (Gifford 2012).He states in his article â€Å"Equally interesting is what the foundation doesn’t do. Most people—including nearly everybody I surveyed while reporting this story—assume that Livestrong funnels large amounts of money into cancer research. Nope. The foundation gave out a total of $20 million in research grants between 1998 and 2005, the year it began phasing out its support of hard science. A note on the foundation’s website informs visitors that, as of 2010, it no longer even accepts research proposals† (Ibid. ).Gifford also goes on to say that the primary goal of the Livestrong Foundation is to advertise and promote Lance Armstrong as he is the face of the foundation. He says â€Å"I found a curiously fuzzy mix of cancer-war goals like â€Å"survivorship† and â€Å"global awareness,† labels that seem to entail p lastering the yellow Livestrong logo on everything from T-shirts to medical conferences to soccer stadiums. Much of the foundation’s work ends up buffing the image of one Lance Edward Armstrong, which seems fair—after all, Livestrong wouldn’t exist without him.But Livestrong spends massively on advertising, PR, and â€Å"branding,† all of which helps preserve Armstrong’s marketability at a time when he’s under fire. † Such stakeholder viewpoints illustrate that Livestrong has to be careful in all its future endeavors as it is under constant scrutiny due to the doping allegations surrounding Lance Armstrong. This may have serious impacts related to the loss of Livestrong’s reputation and hence the challenge is in disassociating the Livestrong brand from its founder Lance Armstrong.The message must be communicated that Livestrong is about the fight against cancer at a global level, rather than a mere doping scandal by its founder. ————————————————- The key issues identified previously in this report highlight the importance of rebuilding Livestrong’s brand image in a manner that refocuses public attention towards Livestrong’s over-arching agenda and manifesto: To fight cancer with determination in the face of adversity.The following communications plan outlining key aims, objectives, strategies and tactics has been produced with this message at heart. The formal severing of ties with Lance Armstrong, are the first steps taken by the Livestrong Foundation towards this process. ————————————————- PHASE 1 Key Aims * Identify key stakeholders that are currently affected by the crisis, who it may affect and why. * Refocus public attention towards cancer victims and inspirational c ancer fighters supported by Livestrong. Ensure that communication is clear, compelling, continuous, consistent and sustained. * Ensure that engagement, understanding and commitment amongst internal stakeholders is achieved in relation to implementing strategies and tactics to overcome crisis. Promotional Channel: Public Relations Objective: Honest and sincere Acknowledgement of the problem Livestrong is facing, the action taken and highlighting the need to focus on the true adversary – cancer itself. Strategy: Communicate in totality to internal and external stakeholders within the next 6 months.Tactics: 1) Organising a press conference A spokesperson that holds a prominent role in the Livestrong Foundation will address the public. In preparation for the press conference, the spokesperson will be given full media training beforehand in responding to questions by the press such as: What is Livestrong’s current stance on doping? How does Livestrong plan to attract donati ons when its founding member can no longer inspire donors or call on celebrity contacts? Who will lead the organisation now that Armstrong has stepped down?What will be the next steps of the charity? etc. (More questions will be prepared for media training, closer towards the launch of the press conference). The Spokesperson will begin the conference by acknowledging the doping allegations made towards Livestrong’s former founder which have resulted in the foundation formally severing ties with Lance Armstrong. The spokesperson will then, make it explicit that it was a necessary decision made with the true cause at mind – Fighting Cancer, which at the moment is not receiving ull attention by the foundation and its public due to Armstrong’s doping allegations. The spokesperson will highlight the significant difference made by the Livestrong Foundation in its long-term fight against cancer through conducting educational programs emphasising on healthy lifestyle, a nti-stigma campaigns and Grassroots fundraising events; all done in order to raise awareness, increase outreach and facilitate collaboration in an effort to improve the situation of cancer patients.Furthermore, the spokesperson will highlight that it is important for the public to keep in mind these contributions made by Livestrong in the fight against cancer and will advise the public to ‘look at two separate people: Lance Armstrong the cycling champion allegedly turned drug-user and Lance Armstrong the cancer fighter and symbol of inspiration† of which the latter was the reason for Livestrong’s success until this point.Not only does Livestrong reach out to cancer patients, but also to those who look for inspiration, determination and hope, in their darkest hours of need. After these key points are made, the spokesperson will invite the press for a Q&A session. 2) Distributing press releases and feature articles online and offline Firstly, a number of press relea ses will be distributed to key media outlets (offline) and wired agencies (e. g. Reuters online), raising and addressing similar points to that of the press conference.Secondly, feature stories focusing on Livestrong Foundation support given to local and national cancer victims and their families will be distributed (both online and offline) in local and national media outlets. These stories will focus on an angle showing the determination of the cancer victims, survivors and their families and how Livestrong aids them in this journey through emotional and financial support; essentially, communicating in a compelling way to engage the public with Livestrong.Further, by distributing a considerable number of press releases and feature stories online, it would ensure that members of the public will encounter such stories which focus on Livestrong’s positive impact on society, in effect, proving to be a cost effective-method achieving search engine optimisation (SEO). 3) Social m edia engagement Firstly, a video release will be made (utilising YouTube) featuring the incoming board chairman of the foundation – Jeff Garvey, who outlines the next steps that will be taken by the Livestrong Foundation followed by the severing of ties with its former chairman – Lance Armstrong.This would mainly involve giving undivided attention towards the Livestrong Foundation mission in â€Å"providing free financial, practical and emotional support services for cancer survivors and their families. † This video will then be attached to Livestrong’s website, Facebook page, Twitter account and Blog. This will be followed by an invitation to the public to give their honest opinion about Livestrong and suggest ideas about what steps the foundation could take in order to better contribute to its fight against cancer.In addition, a competition will be posted on Facebook and Twitter announcing that the winner who suggests the most creative and engaging idea will have their name as part of the next Livestrong campaign title and the opportunity take part as one of the campaign team leaders. Not only will this type of approach promote symmetrical communication between Livestrong and the Public, but also indirectly suggests that Livestrong is trying its best to move past the Lance Armstrong doping scandal and refocus all its energy towards fighting cancer. ) Establishing an Intranet system for internal stakeholders of the Livestrong Foundation Given the possibility that not all members, employees and shareholders may be aware of the severity of the issue concerning Lance Armstrong’s alleged doping scandal and the strategic action taken to repair Livestrong’s reputation; an intranet will be established to provide the latest information on the issue and steps taken to rebuilding Livestrong’s brand image in a manner that refocuses public attention towards Livestrong’s battle against cancer.The intranet page will b e maintained by a trained team who will monitor current problems, predict any future revelations and watch the movements of public and media opinion closely. This will also provide the opportunity for internal stakeholders to ask questions, post responses, and contribute ideas about the crisis in a community sphere. Measurement and Evaluation Firstly, feedback could be gained from journalists, who will attend the press conference, on whether the responses given by the Livestrong Foundation were sufficient in communicating Livestrong’s future intentions and vision purely focused on battling cancer.The press releases and feature stories will be evaluated in relation to how consistent, clear and compelling they are in producing communication outcomes (e. g. Whether the key message was fully, partially, incorrectly, negative/positively, etc. conveyed . In relation to evaluating the level of public engagement with social media, they will be measured according to the tone of commun ication. For example, whether the blog, twitter and Facebook responses by the public, were positive, balanced, neutral or negative.Furthermore, this will also be measured by tracking levels of public engagement. E. g. whether target audiences are: Lurking, Casual, Active, Committed or Loyal. The activity on the intranet will be measured in a similar fashion although it would also include tracking the amount of internal stakeholder response within a period of 6 months. Given that the above strategies and tactics are successful and meet the objective, the Livestrong Foundation can move towards the 2nd phase which involves creatively utilising the promotional channels of Advertising and Viral Marketing.Note: The above strategies were considered after examining the cases of Sony and Dell when they faced a product defect issue where they avoided damages to their reputation through responses received through their established crisis website (Larkin and Register, 2008:63) Further, the case concerning the rebranding of Scope – the charity organisation for cerebral palsy – was also examined in detail (Scope, 2012). ————————————————- ————————————————- PHASE 2 Promotional Channel : AdvertisingObjective: Ensure a new and improved understanding of Livestrong by the public. Strategy: Creating a new advertisement to broadcast Livestrong’s new image. Tactics: Two different advertisements will be made for two groups of audiences. 1. Advertisement directed towards the general public: This advertisement features a little girl frolicking happily in a garden. The whole frame is colourful. Suddenly, a monster called â€Å"cancer† appears, and a thunder storm occurs. The little girl begins to cry in fear. At this time, a large number o f Livestrong wristbands appear to fight the monster and protect the little girl.The wristbands knock the monster down and sunshine prevails. The slogan: Let Livestrong Protect the One You Love then appears . The advertisement will be shot in the style of caricature which makes it simple and easy to comprehend. Even children will be able to understand the advertisement; therefore, the target audience is broadened. This inspiration comes from Fresh Start—the campaign which is called up by Welsh government to stop smoking in cars. This campaign used children as their starting points and inspired people stopping smoking. ((2012). GOLLEY SLATER LAUNCHES FRESH START WALES. Online] Last accessed December 13th). 2. Advertisement directed towards cancer survivors and their families The second advertisement is aimed at encouraging people who have suffered from cancer to be hopeful and to trust Livestrong. This advertisement will focus on the reliability of the Livestrong foundation. Th e advertisement has a black and white tone to portray people’s emotion after knowing that they get cancer. This scene will simply focus on the facial shots of people who have just found out that they have cancer. Sad music plays in the background to enhance the affect.After this, the Livestrong wristbands appear. The yellow color of the wristband symbolizes sunshine and how Livestrong can brighten the lives of those who suffer from this terrible disease. The advertisement ends with the frame being full of sunshine and smiles on the faces of the people who suffer from cancer. Platform: These advertisements will be played in public places, such as subway stations and bus stops because it has a wider reach in terms of viewers. Some posters with a similar theme will also be used as outdoor advertisements. There will also be a donation box near the screen.This is done because people will feel the need to donate immediately after viewing such a touching advertisement. Prediction: I t is estimated that 6 months into the advertising campaign, the awareness of Livestrong will increase by 30%. Also, the donation towards the Livestrong foundation will also increase about 10%. Promotional Channel : Viral Marketing Objective: Increase people’s awareness of Livestrong Strategy: Take advantage of social media, such as Youtube, Twitter and Facebook to let more people know Livestrong’s new image Tactics: 1. Flash MobThere will be several â€Å"flash mob† activities in target cities, such as London and Manchester, which means organizing about 50 people at the city landmark wearing Livestrong apparel and repeat the Livestrong’s slogan. All this will be recorded and broadcasted onto social media sites. This tactic is inspired by the popularity of Psy’s Gangnam Style. Gangnam Style’s shoot to popularity is attributed to the effective use of social media through which it gained global recognition. 2. Twitter and Livestrong Another act ivity, mainly to do with Twitter, can also be undertaken.A custom designed poster stating â€Å"Keep Calm and Trust Livestrong† will be posted by Livestrong. Every time the poster is re-tweeted, Livestrong will donate 1 pound towards a cancer rehabilitation center. This action will not only help people who suffer from cancer, but will also pique the attention and interest of the people and increase brand awareness. Platform: Social media will be the main platform for this strategy as it is currently more popular than traditional means of marketing. Social media will reach a very wide range of audience†¦ from the youth to the older generation.Also, the broadcasting speed of social media is faster compared to broadcasting via traditional means. ————————————————- Prediction: In this six months campaign, Livestrong’s exposure rate on social media will increa se and people will have more positive aspects to discuss about Livestrong. ————————————————- Word Count: 3,275 References British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). (2012), â€Å"Lance Armstrong receives US Anti-Doping Agency charges. ’ [Online] Available at: http://www. bbc. co. uk/sport/0/cycling/18435771 [Accessed: 1 December 2012].Burleigh, N. (2012), ‘Will Livestrong Stay Strong? ’ [Online] Available at: http://www. bicycling. com/news/featured-stories/will-livestrong-stay-strong? page=0,1 [Accessed: 1 December 2012] CNN (2012) ‘Livestrong bracelet: To wear or not to wear?. ’ [Online]. Available at: http://www. cnn. co. uk/2012/10/18/living/lance-armstrong-livestrong-legacy/index. html [Accessed: 1 December 2012] Gifford, B. (2012), ‘It's not about the lab rats. ’ [Online]. Available at: http://www. outsideonline. com/outdoo r-adventure/athletes/lance-armstrong/Its-Not-About-the-Lab-Rats. tml? page=all [Accessed: 1 December 2012]. Golly Slater (2012), ‘Golly Slater launches Fresh Start Wales. ’ [Online]. Available at: http://www. golleyslater. co. uk/services/public-relations/news/news-detail. php? id=976 [Accessed 29 November 2012] Livestrong (2012) Livestrong Milestones [Online]. Available at: http://www. livestrong. org/Who-We-Are/Our-History/Milestones [Accessed: 10 December 2012]. Maclaggan, C. (2012) ‘Exclusive: Livestrong cancer charity drops Lance Armstrong name from title’ [Online]. Available at: http://www. chicagotribune. om/sports/olympics/sns-rt-us-cycling-armstrong-livestrongbre8ae000-20121114,0,6273785. story [Accessed: 1 December 2012]. Mary, P. (2012) ‘Armstrong Is Dropped by Nike and Steps Down as Foundation Chairman. ’ [Online]. Available at: http://www. nytimes. com/2012/10/18/sports/cycling/lance-armstrong-dropped-by-nike-steps-down-as-chairman -of-his-charity. html? pagewanted=all [Accessed: 1 December 2012]. New York Times (2012) ‘Times Topic: Lance Armstrong. ’ [Online]. Available at: http://topics. nytimes. com/top/reference/timestopics/people/a/lance_armstrong/index. tml [Accessed: 1 December 2012]. Petchsky, B. (2012), ‘A full list of the brave brave companies that dropped lance Armstrong only after Nike did. ’ [Online] Available at: http://deadspin. com/5952679/a-full-list-of-the-brave-brave-companies-that-dropped-lance-armstrong-as-an-endorser-only-after-nike-did. [Accessed: 1 December 12]. Regester, M. & Larkin, J. , (2008) Risk Issues and Crisis Management in Public Relations: A Casebook of Best Practice. London: Kogan Page. Schrotenboer, B. (2012), ‘Livestrong: Only 8 donors asked for their money back. ’ [Online]. Available at: http://www. usatoday. om/story/sports/cycling/2012/11/12/livestrong-lance-arms trong-doping/1700831/ [Accessed: 1 December 2012]. Scope (2012), â₠¬ËœThe Spastics Society to Scope: The story of the name change and relaunch November in 1994. ’ [Online] Available at: http://www. scope. org. uk/sites/default/files/pdfs/History/Scope_name_change. pdf [Accessed: 1 December 2012]. Vertuno, J. (2012) ‘Lance Armstrong Cuts Formal Ties to Livestrong, Resigns from Board’ [Online]. Available at: http://www. therepublic. com/view/story/c98e415cc01346f19a7a67a12ead195f/CYC–Armstrong-Livestrong [Accessed:1 December 2012].Wall Street Journal (2012) Statement by Lance Armstrong [Online]. Available at: http://online. wsj. com/article/SB10001424052702303734204577464962634804348. html [Accessed: 1 December 2012]. APPENDIX The Livestrong Foundation Perspective of Lance Armstron’s Allegations: The Livestrong Foundation was initially very supportive of Lance Armstrong during the doping incident. However, Lance Armstrong stepped down from the board of directors of the foundation and ended all association with Livest rong. This was done to ensure that the negative publicity directed towards Lance Armstrong would not affect Livestrong’s popularity.The incoming board chairman, Jeff Garvey, said that Armstrong was distancing himself from Livestrong to protect it against any damage resulting from his doping controversy. â€Å"Lance Armstrong was instrumental in changing the way the world views people affected by cancer,† Garvey said. â€Å"His devotion to serving survivors is unparalleled and for 15 years, he committed himself to that cause with all his heart. † (The New York Times 2012). Livestrong CEO Doug Ulman, a cancer survivor himself, sees the scandal as little more than a sad distraction from a noble cause, and he sees no need for a formal distancing from Armstrong. This organization has never been stronger in terms of fulfilling our mission and the support that we receive from literally millions of people,† he says. â€Å"We are trying to tackle a global problem, the number one cause of death around the world. And so the investigation unfortunately has become a distraction from our mission. We are literally, positively changing lives every day and we have so much more to do and to be pulled away and distracted even for 10 minutes is

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Prometheus Unbound

In examining Asia’s speech, appearing in Act 2 of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s ‘Prometheus Unbound,’ it is evident that Shelley utilised a vast range of themes to create such a unique piece. Overall, the play draws chiefly from areas such as Philosophy, Romanticism, Mythology, Music and Religion (Rossetti). However, the play itself could not have been created without Shelley’s reading of Aeschylus’s play, â€Å"Prometheus Bound† (McDonald). In this sense, the play is very much an appropriation of and sequel to the original.With the above matters combined, Shelley created a work that is conceptually complex, providing the foundations for a challenging yet dramatic play that â€Å"paradoxically performs itself inside the mind of the reader† (Quillin). Asia’s speech in Act 2 reveals Prometheus as fundamentally, the first humanitarian. As such, Prometheus is known as the liberator of humanity and referred to as the â€Å"culture br inger† (Greenblatt 821). Symbolically, Rossetti affirms, â€Å"The unbinding of Prometheus is the unbinding of the human mind† (28).In addition, Rossetti suggests the cave that retains Prometheus â€Å"†¦is the cavern of the human mind- the recesses of creative and contemplative thought, vocal with human sympathy, fertile of human enlightenment and elevation† (31). Therefore, Shelley's ideas signify Romanticism, as his writing insinuates when individuals attain freedom, the power of their imagination is unlocked (Quillin). This can be seen in the â€Å"Prometheus saw, and waked the legioned hopes Which sleep within folded Elysian flowers, Nepenthe, Moly, Amaranth, fadeless blooms; That they might hide with thin and rainbow wings The shape of death; and Love he sent to bindThe disunited tendrils of that vine† â€Å"Prometheus saw, and waked the legioned hopes Which sleep within folded Elysian flowers, Nepenthe, Moly, Amaranth, fadeless blooms; That th ey might hide with thin and rainbow wings The shape of death; and Love he sent to bind The disunited tendrils of that vine† subsequent fragments of Asia’s speech. First and foremost, Asia’s speech is one of unrhymed rhythm and abundant of religious connotations depicting parallels between Greek mythology and Christianity (Quillin). The word ‘Elysian’ refers to Greek mythology and the paradise to which heroes on whom the gods deliberated immortality were sent (Encyclop? ia Britannica). The word ‘hope’ is personified as it is ‘woken’. The awakening of ‘legioned hopes’ may also signify the mass of humanity, in the sense they have been transitorily paralysed by Jupiter’s wrath. It also provides parallels to purgatory, as the forced temporary suffering upon human kind occurs for an unspecified period of time (Padgett). The heavenly flowers act as strength to Prometheus. With Prometheus’ epiphany that lo ve is the answer, the ‘binding’ of the ‘disunited tendrils’ symbolises Prometheus’ realisation that he can be reunited with his wife.The ‘vine’ may also symbolise the chains that bound Prometheus to the cliff. In addition, metaphorically, the vine could represent the almighty strength of a vine in comparison to Prometheus and Asia’s undying love. Rossetti expands this notion, by stating Prometheus and Asia may be regarded as the â€Å"union of the mind and body, or mind and â€Å"Which bears the wine of life, the human heart; And he tamed fire which, like some beast of prey, Most terrible, but lovely, played beneath The frown of man, and tortured to his will Iron and gold, the slaves and signs of power, And gems and poisons, and all subtlest forms,Hidden beneath the mountains and the waves. † â€Å"Which bears the wine of life, the human heart; And he tamed fire which, like some beast of prey, Most terrible, but lovely, p layed beneath The frown of man, and tortured to his will Iron and gold, the slaves and signs of power, And gems and poisons, and all subtlest forms, Hidden beneath the mountains and the waves. † beauty, or intellectual and emotional/loving elements in the human soul† (32). The first line alludes to the greatest gift in life and predominant theme in Prometheus Unbound; love. Love aids the strength and power in Prometheus’ defeat of Jupiter.Evidently, ‘The frown of man’ refers to Jupiter, the chief of Gods who initiated the binding of Prometheus (Magill). After the annulment of Jupiter’s curse upon Prometheus, the play suggests if human kind decides to embrace love, freedom and reject all evil, then the reforming of humanity should occur (Padgett). Thus, the poem is contradictory to Shelley’s statement in the preface stating that â€Å"Didactic poetry is my abhorrence† (Greenblatt 797) as it essentially teaches morality. Once more, the play provides a parallel to Christianity, in the sense that the characters ‘Prometheus’ can be compared to Christ and ‘Jupiter’ to Satan (Padgett).As pointed out, Shelley’s philosophical roots are strongly embedded throughout the play. With this is mind, it is clear that Shelley utilised Aristotle’s theory of the four basic constituents of matter; earth, water, air and fire as a thematic element within the play (Fowler). Thus, words such as ‘fire’ and ‘forms’, refer to Shelley’s cosmic approach to symbols represented throughout the play (Padgett). This distinctive style of imagery enabled Shelley to thoroughly capture the readers’ imagination, as his writing suggests imagery â€Å"He gave man speech, and speech created thought, Which is the measure of the Universe;And Science struck the thrones of Earth and Heaven Which shook, but fell not; and the harmonious mind Poured itself forth in all-propheti c song, And music lifted up the listening spirit Until it walked, exempt from mortal care, Godlike, o’er the clear billows of sweet sound; And human hands first mimicked and then mocked With moulded limbs more lovely than its own The human form, till marble grew divine, And mothers, gazing, drank the love men see Reflected in their race, behold, and perish. † â€Å"He gave man speech, and speech created thought, Which is the measure of the Universe; And Science struck the thrones of Earth and HeavenWhich shook, but fell not; and the harmonious mind Poured itself forth in all-prophetic song, And music lifted up the listening spirit Until it walked, exempt from mortal care, Godlike, o’er the clear billows of sweet sound; And human hands first mimicked and then mocked With moulded limbs more lovely than its own The human form, till marble grew divine, And mothers, gazing, drank the love men see Reflected in their race, behold, and perish. † that can be concei ved various ways simultaneously (Padgett). The final section of Asia’s speech further glorifies Prometheus and the birth of liberation for human kind.It also typifies the premise of the entire drama; Prometheus is acknowledged as â€Å"the culture bringer† (Greenblatt 821). Meaning, he has given human kind the power of intellectual ability, made up of the creative arts and sciences, thus, liberating human kind. This is evident as â€Å"He gave man speech, and speech created thought, which is the measure of the universe†. This line highlights what Prometheus has achieved for the human race. Proving his suffering was not in vain, Rossetti states it has provided intellectual freedom for the rest of society (31).Furthermore, the line; â€Å"music lifted up the listening spirit† reiterates Prometheus’ liberation of human kind. From this, it is clear that Shelley adopts musical themes in his poetry when language no longer proves to be an effective mode o f aestheticism (Quillin). Overall, Shelley produces a dramatic piece addressing his revolutionary ideals by combining music and dialogue, which ironically performs itself in the mind of the reader (Quillin). In Conclusion, Percy Bysshe Shelley’s ‘Prometheus Unbound’ was conceptually inspired by a plethora of key factors.Throughout ‘Prometheus Unbound’, it is evident that Shelley’s approach to imagery stems profoundly from his interest in Philosophy, Romanticism, Mythology, Music, Religion and most importantly, the appropriation of and sequel to Aeschylus’s play, â€Å"Prometheus Bound† (McDonald). These key elements have enabled a multifaceted approach to Shelley’s’ writing, formulating the dramatic shape of the play as a whole. Works Cited â€Å"Elysium†. Encyclop? dia Britannica. Encyclop? dia Britannica Online. Encyclop? dia Britannica Inc. , 2013. Web. 11 Mar. 2013. ;http://www. britannica. om/EBchecked/t opic/185418/Elysium; Fowler, Micahel. â€Å"Aristotle. †Ã‚  Beginnings of Science and Philosophy in Athens. N. p. , 9  Feb. 2008. Web. 11  Mar. 2013. ;http://galileoandeinstein. physics. virginia. edu/lectures/aristot2. html;. Greenblatt, Stephen, Ed. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 9th  Ed. New York, United States: W. W Norton ; Company, Inc. ,  2012. Print. Magill, Frank. â€Å"Prometheus Unbound. † Magill Book Reviews,  2011. Web. 10  Mar. 2013. ;http://www. enotes. com/prometheus-unbound-salem/prometheus-unbound-0089900364;. McDonald, Marianne. â€Å"Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound.   Osher Lifelong Learning Institute – UC San Diego Extension. N. p. ,  2008. Web. 10  Mar. 2013. . Padgett, John B. â€Å"The Imaginary Ideal: Prometheus Unbound. †Ã‚  Shelley, Dante, and Romantic Irony. N. p. ,  1995. Web. 11  Mar. 2013. . Quillin, Jessica K. â€Å"An assiduous frequenter of the Italian opera: Shelley’s Promet heus Unbound and the opera buffa. †Ã‚  Romantic Circles. University of Maryland, 15  Mar. 2005. Web. 10  Mar. 2013. .

Cyber security Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Cyber security - Coursework Example edge of previous intrusions and other organizations’ reaction or solutions will be ready to lend a hand in outlining the business case for intrusion detection products. Additionally, they should also be aware of the advantages and opportunities offered by intrusion detection with a wide-ranging awareness with the intrusion detection solutions and products presently available in the market. In addition, they should also recognize the basic objectives and goals of the intrusion detection products. In view of the fact that Intrusion detection will be a costly activity or investment, even though they make use of an open source solution hence they need to spend an adequate amount of time to investigate, get, build up and put into practice to be far less than the in the general routine management of the information (Bandy, Money, & Worstell, Intrusion Detection FAQ: Getting Started, 2013). A "honeypot" is a very useful tool for protecting networks from not permitted access. In fact, the honeypot does not encompass applications or data that is vital to the business organization but it contains an adequate amount of attractive data to attract a hacker (SANS, 2013). In view of the fact that a honeypot is only a system tool or application or file that has entirely no reason in production hence it can be assumed that if the honeypot is accessed, there might be some reason that is not linked to a specific business corporation on purpose (Bandy, Money, & Worstell, Intrusion Detection FAQ: What is a honeypot? Why do I need one?, 2013). It is an admitted fact that the honeypots can be very helpful to business corporations that have considerable resources to maintain them. However, if an organization does not have a security expert to strictly keep an eye on a honeypot the organizations has, at finest, built a susceptible platform that is not checked regularly as well as at wor st, a platform that can be occupied and employed by any hacker to attack other systems. Moreover,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The earning inequality in Israel Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The earning inequality in Israel - Assignment Example Often, the media houses have covered this story focusing on issues relative to Israeli’s economy. The United States, a close follower of Israel’s practices, has acted against the discrimination challenge in the past as it reflects negatively on the countries well-built reputation (Plaut, 2014). Naturally, Israel is the only state in the Middle East lacking an apartheid regime and looking at its success, as a developed country; it faces no threats from rivals and defamers. This condition makes Israel’s practices a dream for most of the western countries. A decade ago, discrimination was the country’s most pressing challenge but today, things have taken an influential step. The most worrying characteristic of Israel is the growing income inequality. It became prevalent a few years ago and in 2015, it attracts the attention of most states, organizations and international corporations (Filut, 2015). As from April 2015, Israel ranks at number 15 in labor productivity of the international economies. This fact is from the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) most recent report. Israel has had a record increase in labor productivity for a limited time with more than three million people in the country having standard jobs. World’s leading countries such as China, United Kingdom or even South Korea are yet to attain Israel’s current labor productivity. However, the OECD claims as much as Israel has made improvements, the country’s economy is in an awkward position because they are 4% out of their constant track as depicted in the past two decades (Filut, 2015). The economic growth continues to increase gradually because of the variations in labor productivity - over three times that of the major emerging markets. This might seem impressive but China, Indonesia, Brazil and Russia have had over 100% productive increase in less than a decade, which shows they are most likely to surpass Israel in due time (Matthew,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Philosophy, the second Topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Philosophy, the second Topic - Essay Example Aristotle’s viewpoints also underscore Plato’s assertion in that philosophy has a purpose of practicality attached to it. Gaining knowledge for its own sake does not restrict the projection of the acquired knowledge in any way. Rather, practical philosophy can be attributed to numerous situations that are intrinsically separated from merely conjectural inquiries made for the sake of flaunting one’s pedantic affectations. The rational components of practical philosophy have, however, been questioned by modern scientific innovations that strive to theorize every phenomenon. This is the main point of debate in this paper. What is the purpose of philosophy in real life? Does philosophy have any bearing on human life, individual or collective? The paper shall examine the arguments propounded by five seminal thinkers from the world of philosophy: Jean-Paul Sartre, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Sigmund Freud. The existential quandaries of modern men have been addressed in-depth by the French thinker Jean-Paul Sartre. Commenting on philosophy, he claims that philosophy as an abstraction of human perception is only a vague concept which does not yield any ethical or realistic principles. The basis of his argument involves the interdependency of existentialism and Marxism for the sake of comprehending reality and its evolution from the past. This is an interesting premise because Marxist philosophy is different from existentialist philosophy in terms of explaining idealism (Sartre and Priest 17). Marx’s investigation is more akin to presenting every individual within a social setup which should be in perfect accord with a totalitarian worldview. Hence, the existential essence of subjective idealism is not the point of philosophical contention for Marx. He argues that betterment of living can be achieved not by the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Orgaanizational Culture and Values Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Orgaanizational Culture and Values - Essay Example The values of an organization and those of the nurse hugely impact on patient care in any health care setting. Nurse’s values are supposed to be guided by professionalism or nursing professional ethics while those of the health care facility should be guided by organizational ethics. It is, therefore, clear that a nurse if only able to perform professionally if the organization has offered an environment to facilitate such performance (Hall, Doran and Pink, 2008). Nurse’s values can also be attributed to their personality which impacts on how a nurse delivers patient care. Organizational culture also tells a lot about its values and when this culture conflicts with the nurse’s professionalism, patient outcome is negatively affected. For example, many health care institutions currently grapple with limited resources including human resource. When the management policy dictates that a single nurse addresses many patients, this hampers on patient outcomes because of minimized attention. Organization values also affect the levels of motivation among nurses because these values foster a particular environment which can either lower of increase motivation levels (Park and Kim, 2009). Therefore, environmental context coupled with nurse’s behaviors bring about distinct levels of motivation. The aggregate situation resulting in the blending of nurse’s values and those of the organization hugely affect patient outcome either positively or negatively as explained above. According to Vandome and McVey (2012) effective communication is an essential ingredient for organizational success. Communication in an organization is either internal or external in nature. Internal communication is primarily between and among the management and the employees while external is between the organization and the outside world or external stakeholders like customers. Workplace challenges are easily overcome through effective

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Public transportation vs driving a car Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Public transportation vs driving a car - Essay Example car owner pay a lot of money for such things as fuel, car taxes, vehicle inspection, insurance, washes, maintenance, fines, repairs, and parking (Automobile Association). Two out of ten unintentional injury deaths take place while transportation. The risk of passenger’s death varies greatly depending on the means a person chooses to travel. In this regard, public transport is safer. For example, during 2006-2008, more than 14,000 of car passengers died in car accidents while the number of deaths of passengers who took buses is about fifty (National Safety Council). Finally, public transport does less harm to the environment than private transport. Overall, transportation in the United States accounts for about 28% of greenhouse gases emissions. Of this, buses, trains, and ships emit only 7% while 34% is generated by private cars (Pubtrantravel). Automobile Association. "Car Running Costs."Â  The AA. Automobile Association Development Ltd, 7 Jul 2014. Web. 21 Oct 2014. .

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Industrial Revolution and its Impact on the United States Research Paper - 1

The Industrial Revolution and its Impact on the United States - Research Paper Example On the technology front, the biggest advancements were in steam power. New fuels such as coal and petroleum, were incorporated into new steam engines. This revolutionized many industries including textiles and manufacturing. Also, a new communication medium was invented called the telegraph. This made communicating across the ocean much faster . The invention of steam power gave momentum to the development of rail transport in America. Moreover, petroleum and diesel engine engines were also discovered followed by the steam engine. All these discoveries contributed heavily to the development of transportation facilities and infrastructure. Before the introduction of these engines, Americans were using other means of transport which were comparatively slower that that with automobiles. In other words, the distance between different places appeared to be more than what it is today, before the introduction of of engines and the subsequent discoveries of automobiles. Along with the discovery of automobiles, industrial revolution brought another major breakthrough in communication in the form of the discovery of telegraph. Telegraph and automobiles contributed heavily to the development of communication and transportation which in turn gave momentum to the development of manufacturing units or industries and businesses across Amer ica. The full impact of the Industrial Revolution would not begin to be realized until about 100 years later in the 1800s, when the use of machines to replace human labor spread throughout Europe and North America .

Friday, August 23, 2019

How to be a good parent Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How to be a good parent - Annotated Bibliography Example Make a schedule of their children, so that they can become responsible and confident in their future. For example, you have to make a habit of your children to do breakfast, lunch and dinner on time and complete homework in time. Play time should also be managed by the parents. In this book, writer tells the readers the ten basic principles to be a good parent. For example, writer tells parents should not be too strict and lenient. Parents should behave well in front of children because children learn behaviors from parents. Parents should be involved in their children lives so that they can judge what changes are occurring in their lives such as involvement in their likable sports, schools and friends etc. Parents should make rules and tell the boundaries of limits to their children so they can become responsible and stable minded person in the future. Give them independence and respect to their decisions, so that they can become respected and confident person in the life. In this book, writer focused the young parents rather than the experienced parents. He focused the young parents, because they are inexperienced and they do not know the behaviors of children properly. It is taught that in certain age such as in between 2 to 16 years, children’s behaviors are same. Then young parents should have knowledge to tackle with their behaviors. Young parents are inexperienced and they cannot understand the changing which is taking place in their children and what are the reasons behind this. Then this book has provided the information to tackle with these changing of behaviors of children effectively. Kerr, M., & Stattin, H. (2000). What parents know how they know it, and several forms of adolescent adjustment: further support for a reinterpretation of monitoring. Developmental psychology, 36(3), 366. In this book, writer told that observation is the most important thing for the children’s development

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Cultural Oppression Essay Example for Free

Cultural Oppression Essay Both African Americans and Asian Americans have suffered racial discrimination, slavery, persecution, difficulty in receiving citizenship even though their children were born in the United States and challenges in demonstrating their cultural identity. They experienced difficulty in classifying themselves as purely American because of their outward appearance. Moreover, they always tend to feel insulted that white Americans will always judge them by stereotypes, not by what they really are. African Americans have suffered dual consciousness in the United States, always struggling to receive social and economic equality, both as a Negro and an American. Although political equality has been granted to African Americans, they still suffered inequality in terms of achieving social and economic wealth. The effects of cultural oppression on African Americans have put them at high probability of suffering continued hindrances to achieve societal empowerment and affirmation. However, the richness of African cultures that place importance on collective lifestyle has helped African Americans to be accepted in the United States. Asian Americans were pressured to learn how they could assimilate themselves into different cultural society in the country. The cultural oppression suffered by Asian Americans has helped them to establish their own community in order for them to become self-sufficient. The impact of the Eastern philosophies, Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, on Asian culture has helped families to become paternally oriented and hierarchical. The notable reason why some Asians have the tendency to avoid debate and discussion or to appear indecisive is because of these philosophies that teach them principles of harmony, balance and peace. This Asian culture has provided them to act in a positive way and to learn the importance of having self-knowledge about how others behave towards them. Reference Information on Specific Cultural Groups. Retrieved April 17, 2009, from http://education. byu. edu/diversity/culture. html.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Teenager Appeal of Rock Music in the 1950 Essay Example for Free

Teenager Appeal of Rock Music in the 1950 Essay The appeal of rock music in the 1950’s is largely due to the ending of World War 2. The ending of World War 2 sparked more interests in what is the social norm. Abundant about of people coming back from the war wanted to start families. The baby boom increased the about of kids in America drastically. These kids of the baby boom started a new age class in America, the â€Å"teenager†. Prior to World War 2 most of the youth in America was ether working or joining the military to fight the war in Europe. There was never an actually teenager stereo type. Due to the baby boom after the war, there were more teenagers than ever before with little or nothing to do. Nothing was marketed to the teenager. During the war many toy companies directed there attention towards the war’s needs. The age of the teenager was new to American culture. There was generational gap for the social norm of boys and girls. Children were starting to become more independent. Mothers of children stated to join the working class leaving older children to start developing their own social class. Conformity and the desire to reject change were very common in the 1950s. When the teenager came about many of them had their own style and seemed to be rebellious. After the war there were many new technologies that were available to the teenager. The invention of the television and mass transportation made the biggest impact. The ability to hear outside influences and the ability to travel gave the teenager a broader spectrum of life. There was draw to blues and jazz music of the African American people because of its upbeat style. However it wasn’t until Elvis Presley came out that the draw of rock music took off. A white singer that sounded like a black singer was solid gold. With Elvis Presley style of music it appealed to the growing social class of the teenager. With the age of segregation at its peak it came as no surprise that the older generation saw rock music as corrupting the youth. Many people claimed that rock music was the sole reason there was a growing existences of juvenile delinquency. It seemed the more people spoke out against rock music the more popular rock music became. The teenager social class was growing every day and had become bigger than ever seen in the United States. The movie â€Å"Rebel Without a Cause† had come out depicting how rebel looks and acts, and many teenagers mimicked how that character acted and dressed. This became the norm of how teenagers acted. In conclusion the reason that rock and roll music was so appealing was its inherent draw to rebel against the older generation. The slow tempo music of old was not suiting for the teenager. The upbeat music and its African American roots was the perfect storm for teenagers to rebel. The amount of teenagers in America was higher than ever and with the core audience of rock and roll music being teenagers it’s no wonder that rock and roll music took off.

Leadership Public Health

Leadership Public Health QUALITIES OF A GOOD PUBLIC HEALTH LEADER Definition of leadership What is leadership in public health Difference between Management and leadership Discuss issues/trends related to Healthcare that make Leadership in public health significant (to address and keep up with the trends in healthcare) Governments role Digital divide in the system (ex. Electronic health records) Political social functions Budget (optional)- but since we covered this topic this past week- discretionary budget process covers the public health costs, which is very minimal Qualities of what makes a leader Conclusion PUBLIC HEALTH LEADER QUALITIES OF A GOOD PUBLIC HEALTH LEADER Abstract Leadership skills are different from management skills. While the two are equally important for the success of public health organization, they are different in terms of roles and abilities. Managers are placed in power, whereas leaders are given power by their followers. Leaders also inspire their followers as well the local and national community he/she serves. Recent events have caused public health leaders to take on new roles. CONTINUE†¦ The topic of leadership is one that has been studied and researched for years. Professionals and managers desire it and companies and organizations seek it from their employees. The coveted skill is wanted by all, but possessed by few. What is considered a good leader, or a great leader, is even harder to come by. And the field of public health—a field that changes constantly and evolves quicker than health officials can keep up with—demands great leadership. A good public health leader is defined in many ways and by many skills. It can be argued that any manager can be leader, but the literature and research prove otherwise. There are certain skill-sets that set a good leader apart from the manager. Being knowledgeable in several areas relating public health and management is integral for the success of the public health leader and the organization he/she serves. Equally important are having the personal qualities expected of a leader and being perceived as a leader by the supporting staff. Combining these attributes along with management skills ensures that a leader is prepared for and ahead of the public health curve. Management versus Leadership Being a great leader is demanding, but even more so, is being a good public health leader. Public health is different from other fields because the work itself is always evolving. The target audience, the methods, and the promotional plans are always changing. Managing these tasks is not enough, especially when dealing with an audience that often does not want the information. Work can become redundant and employees and quickly lose interest, stamina, and sense of purpose. This is where a great leader can emerge. One of the key differences in leadership and management is the ability to inspire. Almost anyone can manage or run a task if proper instruction is received. Everything from distributing the work, creating work plans, and managing the budget can be done by a manager. But leaders can inspire people and create a single vision. When staff is truly motivated, the end result is a much better product that involved a united team (Cooper, 1990). In fact, if given a choice, people â€Å"would rather follow a leader than a manager† (McLean, 2005). This notes a clear distinction in favor of the leader, as noted by staff. Ideally, a manager can be a great leader, and some may argue that leadership is one of the roles played by a manager. However, McLean makes another distinction in the leader, suggesting that the leader â€Å"is conferred power from followers that allow him/her to influence their actions† (2005). This means that the leader is given power by those following him, versus the manager who is appointed to the manager role. This power comes with the ability to influence followers and have an effect on their outcome(Peter, 2001). While there are clear differences between management and leadership, it is impossible to say that a successful organization could still exist without the two of them working simultaneously. After all, the above assumes that a great leader can be a great manager. However, great leadership does not come automatically with great management skills. Each role requires a different skill set. Managers are essential to a public health organization for their attention to detail and ability to follow orders and complete tasks in a timely and efficient manner. Leaders are then essential for the motivation and inspiration of supporting staff. As McLeans wraps it up, â€Å"both are essential and both have their place they just have different emphases† (2005). Definition of a Public Health Leader Other than the ability to inspire, the leader is defined by several other abilities. The leader is also influential, and has the ability to attract followers and have them transmit their goal and vision to new potential followers. This is especially important when working with large public health firms and organizations. It is nearly impossible for the leader to individually reach every single person and inspire them directly. Leaders thus depend on followers to inspire others as well. This is where the next definition of a leader is introduced; the ability to be a great mentor as well. Mentoring is a great way to mold someone and teach them the importance of leadership in public health. Novick et al. describe leadership mentoring as â€Å"experience, by the work of insight, by personal growth, and by learning from mentors† (2008, pg. 292). While some may argue that great leaders are born, many great leaders can emerge from the situation they are presented. Gaining experience and learning by following a leaders example are a great way in which new leaders can emerge and benefit by seeing a good leader act before it is their turn to. Thus leadership also involves the skill of making leaders out of others. The public health field also demands that its leaders be influential outside of the organization it immediately serves. One of the most important tasks in public health is the ability to influence your local community and national niche organizations that share similar goals and objectives. This means that a leader in public health must possess the competency of building and keeping ongoing relationships with community organizations (Saleh et al. 2004, pg. 1247). Forming successful partnerships helps an organization reach its goal faster and more efficiently. For this reason, it is imperative that the public health leader be in tune with the goals of its organization in order to partner with the right organizations. At the same time, public health leaders need to be aware of the larger picture. Public health is so grand and it becomes impossible for a leader to be great in every aspect of the field. According to the American Public Health Association, being aware of the larger picture is recognizing ones role in public health, or rather taking â€Å"ownership of ones particular job and having the creativity to do it (2000, pg. 11). This also involves setting appropriate priorities based on the current needs of the organizations. This involves looking at the larger picture, assessing which goals are most important to the future of the organization, and setting priorities to accomplish these goals. Leadership also requires the ability to react to new sudden needs of the public health organization. Clear examples of these are the events of September 11, 2001. These events left public health officials dumbfounded. Almost immediately, officials became aware of how little they were prepared for such a disaster. Leaders were forced to think and react quickly, and soon after there was a surge of new educational opportunities related to emergency preparedness. The same leaders learned to be â€Å"more effective in responding to ever-changing public health challenges† (Saleh et al. 2004, pg. 1246). The role of an effective leader is clearly not easy. While a leader mains role is to inspire a vision and work in others, leaders must also possess a variety or related skills. Therefore, the definition of a public health leader includes the ability to mentor and produce new effective leaders and serve as a leader in both the local and national communities with a same vision. Leaders must also be able to see the grand picture and set timely and relevant priorities, as well as think and react to sudden public health needs( Donald, 1991). Current Trends in Public Health Leadership Using the example of September 11, 2001, it became obvious to officials that there were clear gaps in the system and that current leaders did not all possess the adequate skills for such a disaster. Programs emerged to educate public health leaders about bioterrorism, crises response, and disaster management (Burrell, 2007, pg. 62). These subjects fall outside of the comfort zone for many public health leaders, since much of public health falls within the field of heath, nutrition, environmental health, physical and emotional well-being, and disease prevention. The goal of these programs is to provide formal training in areas that are critical. In fact, several accredited universities have made this effort easier by providing programs relating to homeland security, terrorism, emergency preparedness and related disciplines. Burrell states that such programs help address the â€Å"threats [that] have created a need for all public managers to expand their knowledge and develop new skills† (2007, pg. 63). Several universities, particularly those in the DC area, are now making it easier for public health leaders to receive training in these areas. Qualities of what makes a leader Competence By carrying out preventive medicine and communicable disease control, occupational health, food safety, and disaster response programs a good public health leader exercises a sense of responsibility. This is a good attribute of a public health leader who is able to relate well to the ground in respect to the above issues. By carrying out all the assigned duties and disseminating to the relevant staff within a public officer fulfill all the doubtful acts that responsibility is not being undertaken. The work of a public health leader ranges from various areas and in order to fulfill the required fields he or she had to assign various duties to his colleges. Without a good sense of responsibility, effective work performance will not be put in place which might end up putting the public at risk since poor service deliver y will be delivered .therefore a good public health leader should be one who is able to exercise effective responsibility in a senses that they are able to be judged acc ording to how dissemination of what has been assigned to the m has occurred. A well established focused and self defined health leader should be able to establishes and maintain contact with medical treatment facility and local public health agencies to ensure an integrated public health program flows between all the sectors. The medical sector .without a continuous flow of events service delivery will be impossible which requires that a public health officer should resolve to having good communication skill that enable effective passage of information from one section to another. Courageous As a public health leader, one must emulate courage in order to be decisive person. A good public health leader ought not to be afraid of failure since without this, he or she will not be able to function as a leader. One should have the courage to maintain their convictions or go with a gut instinct. A good public health leader should always admit that a mistake has been committed without hesitation showing how brave one is in the tackling of the environment. Skillful This attribute will be able to ensure that a public health leader lays down corrective mechanism that are able to ascertain aspect which show that he or she is capable of undertaken the task in hand. This will involve showing of skill knowledge and the aptitude by the leader. A well focused skilled leader in the public health sector carries out all the necessary task making his or her colleges follow due to extra ordinary character that he or she will display in managing a given scenario. The matters that concern health are the most complex tasks that a leader might handle since this are real life situation that unless taken seriously into consideration, loss of life might occur. Therefore the leader should be able to tackle the hardest thing that surrounds the immediate environment since he or she has the necessary skill available. The skills can range from practical, mental and technical skills. A good public health leader should emulate good advisory skill which bears in mind on h ow advises will be given out on military public health issues, manning, and training. This is a fundamental aspect that requires great attention. Advising on critical issues requires that one has good counseling skill that enable him or her put into practice what is needed. Influential In the sense that even when carrying out various developments he or she will be able to initiates, nonstop and conduct preventive medicine and communicable disease control programs .being influential requires that one will be able to disseminate all that is required to all the colleges therefore boosting the morale of what is being done. Patience gives clear characteristics of a public health officer who will, be able to clarify all that is needed before acting upon them. For example when the employees are unable to clearly clarify or understand what is being talked about, the public health leader ought to verify it in details and make sure that all the tasks assigned to the are done according to the intended purposes. A good public health leader should embrace loyalty in that he or she should be able to perform mutually to the colleges what seems desirable by all since unless this is emulated ,the same will be fall him making progression in this sector top reduce by a large margin ( Swayne E. 2001). Flexible Having such attributes a public health leader will be able to change from one aspect to the other successfully ensuring that effective measures are put in place to minimize lost efforts. With these qualities a public health leader will be able to adapt to the immediate environment when fluctuations arise .this in reality entails a leader who has the intellectual capabilities of focusing on the prediction of what is to occur. Take an example where an outbreak of a specific epidemic occurs, flexibility of this situation will be determined by the leader. Being resilient will enable the leader to ensure that failure is an opportunity to expand to the real life scenario without fearing what might succumb to them but tackling it with ease with resilience, public health leaders should consider every failure as a step closer to the realization of their dreams. A leader has to lay down good examples to others, taking a role model position .All the people working around and staff members would like to emulate what they see that is positive and that doing this is the person in charge of their affairs. Public health officers should bear this quality such that what is perceived by them to be a right perspective still remains to be so by the other team players. By being a role model the public health officer embraces a sense of confidence which also is gained by the other team players and with this service delivery in highly enhanced. Tackling some issue in the public health sector requires great confidence in the interest of the public sefty.Take a case where gaseous poisonous substances have spilled in the air, the public health sector will have to make appropriate action in the determination of the root cause of this phenomena. To an ordinary person without skills, training and confidence, doing this task will be a great risk to life, however if one is trained, the confidence usually inspired by the trainer who in this case is the leader of the public health sector keeps them going. Conclusion A good public health leader should instigate buoyancy in others and be persistent in a crisis. Though this sector is a tough one to tackle leaders her should embrace one another and come together to solve the relevant problems that exist within the locality. Good listening skill should be developed since communication is a two way traffic, therefore leaders should try as much as possible to be good listeners. In the course of coming up with new ways and means of communicating a smooth flow of events will prevail therefore saving on other irrelevant costs that might occur. Management and leadership should go hand in hand in that though leaders are people are followed by other people through their own choice and managers have to be obeyed; these two disparities have to be merged in order to come up with a formidable action plane that will be able to facilitate smooth flow of events The public health leader has to have the capacity of embracing new talent and nature it. Sincerity and re liability are particularly significant for any good leader embracing realistic goals. By setting goals a good public health leader will be setting avenues that lead to the attainment of the goals. This targets when attained should be credible to the participants who took part in the achieving of results unlike praising the leader. The public health sector being the toughest areas to tackle should be reformed such that there is always the division of labor. This will enhance inventions and innovations which will give out the definition of development through the total commitment and support from the whole team. References Cooper, T. (1990). The Responsible Administrator. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Donald, S (1991). â€Å"Innovative Organizations Require Innovative Managers.† Public Administration Review. 41:5, 507-513. Peter, N. (2001). Leadership: Theory and Practice. Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage. Swayne E. (2001). Leadership and Management, Public Health: Cases and Context, by Sage Publications

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

MUDs: An Adventure in Cyberspace :: Internet Computer Essays

"Hi, my name is Jamal. I'm a tall, gorgeous black man with a bod made for sin. Talk to me!" "Hi, I'm India, an exotic prostitute with a fondness for short, Norwegian men." "Harry here . . . I'm handsome and shy, and looking for love. . ." "My name is Sophie, and my job as a songwriter has led me to the great city of Miami." "Hello, I'm Lila. I am a 24-year old Jazz singer with a preference for foreign men. If you qualify, definitely say hi." The people you see above are very interesting individuals, all unique and distinctive. At first glance, there seems to be no common thread that connects them, except for the fact that they appear to be seeking some sort of interaction. No, these are not entries in a Personals Column or members of a support group for the love-lost. All of them do, however, share a very important characteristic. They are all facets of the same person; they are all descriptions of me. No, I am not schizophrenic or insane; I am simply one of the many that has found entertainment exploring a MUD-- an acronym that stands for Multiple User Domain or Multi User Dungeon. Before this assignment, I had no idea that MUD was something other than dirt mixed with water or that the world that existed on-line was so immense and so popular. In fact, MUDding has become one of the most sought after forms of interactive entertainment in the world, engaging tens of thousands of players (Leslie 28). The world of MUDding seems like a relatively new concept, but the truth is that MUDs have been around for years. Invented at the University of Essex in England in 1979, MUDs served as a computerized way to play Dungeons and Dragons, a popular and addictive role-playing game that mesmerized thousands (Rigdon R16). While the undisputed thrill of participating in such a game was the ability to reshape identity, other attracting factors were the relationships that a player could develop with fellow characters. Today, both adventure-type MUDs and social MUDs work in the much same way that Dungeons and Dragons did 20 years ago--players take on an identity and enter a fantasy world, only now they can communicate with people from around the globe. This type of role-playing sounds like simple fun, but the underlying issues and complex social situations that materialize are more than just child's play.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Baldwins My Dungeon Shook: A Letter to my Nephew Essay -- Baldwin Dun

Baldwin's My Dungeon Shook: A Letter to my Nephew Does the American Dream belong to every one or does it exclude some individuals? The American Dream is a very powerful force that molds America. It has existed for many generations but has it changed over time? The foundation of the Dream tends to stay the same that is the pursuit of happiness, hope, freedom, justice and equality. The concepts within the American Dream should alter to fit the changes of society. The breakthroughs and obstacles that America overcomes should shift the American Dream. Society may see the American Dream as a dangerous power causing them to be scared to challenge the concepts of the traditional American Dream. Will society become dysfunctional if someone challenges the American Dream or will it make our country stronger and more diverse? According to James Baldwin’s â€Å"My Dungeon Shook: A Letter to My Nephew† African Americans cannot obtain their piece of the American Dream. Baldwin wrote a letter to his nephew in hope of guiding him through life. Baldwin had many words of wisdom to share, mostly words provoked by pain and anger. Baldwin wanted to teach his nephew about the cruelty of society. His main point was to teach his nephew not to believe the white man and his words. He wanted to encourage his nephew to succeed in life but not to expect the unassailable. By believing the white man one can not succeed but by knowing where one comes from will lead to success was the foundation of Baldwin’s message (243-246). When reading â€Å"My Dungeon Shook: A Letter to my Nephew†, it was clear that Baldwin was not just writing a letter to his nephew but to society by interacting personal thoughts with public awareness. Although Baldwin’s letter was addressed to his nephew, he intended for society as a whole to be affected by it. â€Å"This innocent country set you down in a getto in which, in fact, it intended that you should parish†(Baldwin 244). This is an innocent country, innocent only because they know not what they do. They discriminate the African American by expecting them to be worthless, by not giving them a chance to prove their credibility. Today African Americans are considered to be disesteemed in society. They are placed in this class before they are even born just like Royalty obtains their class before they are even conceived. We may think that this is a paradox but when d... ...ow by forgiving the people who hurt him and Baldwin is trying to redeem Jesus’ example by forgiving the people who hurt him. Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the chains that embodies mankind. Forgiveness could be thought of as the potion that unites America and brings equality to the redeemed world. Although the American Dream is considered to be the link that binds society, there are some individuals that do not posses link to unit. The African Americans have been struggling for many years to obtain the piece of the American Dream, their place in America. Joseph Kennedy has frustration and anger built up while trying to find his place in America, â€Å"Goddamn it! I was born in this country! My children were born in this country! What the hell does someone have to do to become an American† (qtd. In Harris 369)? If someone challenges the concepts of the American Dream then maybe our country can unite. Do not fear the American Dream, yes it is a powerful force that molds society but each individual controls the power. If one does not believe in the American Dream then the power of the Dream is weakened. Would America unite and become equal if someone challenges the American Dream?